UM Class of 2016 EA Applicants Thread

<p>Hey guys! I indicated on my app I was EA but realized I never sent my ACT scores and just did so in December…so I’m not sure if I’m EA anymore haha. Not really one of my top choices but I’m still excited to hear a decision, that is if I am hearing by February 1st with you guys.</p>

<p>I applied early action from New York. I’m planning to be a business major but I’m not sure exactly what major I indicated on my application. I really hope I get in!</p>

<p>This wait is killing me! I really hope we find out on the 1st!</p>

<p>From what I can surmise, you are following a long-standing tradition of getting more and more anxious as the expected announcement date gets closer and closer. Then, for those who are accepted, there is another few days to wait to see if there are any merit scholarships included in the snail mail packet. Then, another bunch of weeks to see what the financial aid package looks like. Wait-wait-wait…
You’re almost to the top of the FIRST hill on the roller coaster.
Hang in there - what else can you do?

<p>Could the decisions come out before Feb 1st?</p>

<p>Last year they came out on Friday, Jan 28th - so this year they MAY be out on Friday, Jan 27th. That’s my guess - it will be an email in your myUM account.

<p>Zinc, did they also send an email out to applicants’ regular email accounts letting them know the decision was up, or was it just on myUM if you happened to check?</p>

<p>I don’t recall - my D was checking her myUM pretty regularly that week and once word got out here on CC that the decisions were being posted it went pretty viral.</p>

<p>I read that it will appear on MyUM and that they do not email you notifying you that a decision has been made. Just keep checking MyUM!</p>

<p>My mom talked to the admissions department today about travel arrangements and visits and whatnot and they told her they were planning to let students know on Feb 3rd… :(</p>

<p>Ugh - a full week later than last year…maybe they have more EA apps this year?

<p>I’m sure they do. They also said that they typically won’t defer applicants, and if you do get deferred to call them and they’ll “walk you through it”, basically tell you what you need to do to get accepted. She said they just wanted proof that you didn’t flunk out or take too few classes, and chances are you’d get a straight yes or no.</p>

<p>Sounds like you had a very beneficial call with the admissions folks. Thanks for sharing!</p>

<p>@DJACKS! I did the Jenkins Scholarship as well! Good luck! & I am not sure when those decisions come out, but I’m going to email the school about it.</p>

<p>Alright, these next couple of days better go by really quickly…</p>

<p>Out of curiosity, has anyone called admissions and asked when they think they will release decision?</p>

<p>mango15, look back to the bottom of page 2</p>

<p>Oh, thanks! That’s pretty late. I guess they had a larger number of applicants. So close yet so far.</p>

<p>It feels like an eternity from now! Pretty soon I’ll know my decision and won’t be able to believe I ever felt like this, haha. It’s going to drag on so slow right now, though. Bleh.</p>

<p>I can’t wait! I’m actually from Southern California (so my top choices are in CA), but I love Florida so much!!! I visited Tampa and Orlando over the summer, but I figure Miami can’t be all that different. I applied for pre-med, but am pretty convinced that the marine biolog department at UM is amazing haha. Good luck to everybody here!</p>