UM Class of 2016 EA Applicants Thread

<p>My admission packet came in the mail today. I live in Atlanta, Georgia. Does anyone know when the financial aid packets will be released</p>

<p>Last year we got financial aid information on March 23rd.</p>

<p>Got my packet today! Looking through it makes me want to forget about all the other colleges I applied to and just go to UM! So exciting!</p>

<p>Forgot to mention that I got my packet yesterday. Very exciting. I feel like I just want to say yes to UM so this college admissions worry can be over with! </p>

<p>I’ll have to be patient and see where else I get in, but there’s a good possibility I may end up at UM.
Goodluck to anyone who has yet to find out!</p>

<p>I got in today! I’m so excited. Not sure if I will be attending because I’m still waiting to hear back from a few colleges, but it’s a definite possibility!</p>

<p>FINALLY ACCEPTED!!! I’ll post stats later.</p>

<p>I got my admissions packet and the letter says “You were selected from approximately 28,000 applicants for one of only 2,000 spaces in our freshman class.” WOW! That is so many apps! And only a 7% acceptance rate!</p>

<p>Actually they accept a lot more than 2000, knowing that many will not select UM. They shoot for a new incoming class of ~2000 each year. Congratulations on being accpeted!</p>

<p>Beachlove, it would be nice if they had a 7% acceptance rate. Truth is, though, the acceptance rate is much higher, as not everyone they accept chooses to matriculate there. I am guessing the acceptance rate will come down this year though. Does anyone remember how many applications they had last year?</p>

<p>Yeah that’s true, but it’s still so many! I’m not sure how many they had last year, but I don’t think it was nearly as high as 28,000.</p>

<p>They said 2000 because that’s how many people actually enroll at UM, not how many they accept. They accept around 6-8 thousand but only 2000 actually end up choosing to go to UM</p>

<p>Last year they had 26,000 applications. So, almost an 8% increase. I would assume they’ll have a lower acceptance rate as well.</p>

<p>Got my packet today here in not-so-warm-and-sunny Indiana. Mostly shiny fluff that probably cost unnecessary amounts of money to print, but then, I’m not sure what else I was expecting. Haha.</p>

<p>Just got mine. So beautiful, I feel so loved haha <3</p>

<p>This thread has sort of died. Will any of you be attending the accepted students day or cane 4 a day?</p>

<p>Alas, no - too far and too expensive for a day, though since one of those days falls during my spring break, maybe I can wheedle with my parents…</p>

<p>My friend wants me to do Cane 4 a Day, but I feel like that’s more for those who haven’t yet decided to get a better view of the university. Since I’ve already committed, I don’t see the need to go.</p>

<p>I don’t think i’ll be doing cane 4 a day because I’m doing a Singer weekend and I can’t afford to fly down again! Have fun though!</p>

<p>Guess I got lucky since I live nearby. Only reason I’m doing it is because I’m really interested to see how a typical class/lecture is like. And I’m kind of on the fence.</p>

<p>That’s too bad I thought there would be a lot of students at accepted students day!</p>

<p>I’m sure there will be! I would totally go but it’s just too far away ha. What are you on the fence about? (just curious…I was on the fence for a while too)</p>