UM Class of 2016 EA Applicants Thread

<p>you should hear back tomorrow night on the MY-UM portal around 8pm. i was talking to the legacy director and that is what he said they are shooting for</p>

<p>I opened the mailbox today & found a tiny envelope with the U logo in the corner & almost passed out. Of course it ended up being addressed to my sister who’s a senior there lol. Scared the crap out of me. Anyway, I wish everyone the best!</p>

<p>Yeah, we got that too - it was the 1098 tax form for 2011 for current students!</p>

<p>I hate how the Admissions Office is still saying their stance is “early February.” Why can’t they be like any other college and tell you the day they’ll be coming out?</p>

<p>Alright, I’m starting to feel like this is almost a conspiracy… My posts on the UMAdmissions wall and the University of Miami Class of 2016 wall are both gone… Or maybe that was because my friends kinda spammed them :P</p>

<p>Umiamiburger - that’s funny, my son is applying along with you, and his brother is a senior at UM!</p>

<p>I saw that Facebook group but dont want to join unless I am accepted lol</p>

<p>Don’t let hatred and annoyance take place of your feelings of excitement. We knew decisions would be later this year, just be happy it’s now instead of the end of march!</p>

<p>Hey guys I called admissions and the lady there said that decisions won’t be released online by tomorrow, but in the next few weeks. So i’m not really sure what to think</p>

<p>Next few weeks? What is going on?! Lol</p>

<p>I just called admissions and they said within a week :((</p>

<p>IM GOING TO MURDER THESE ADMISSIONS PEOPLE!!! hahaha just kidding, obviously, but still this is ridiculous…i wouldn’t care if there was a standard policy, but why are certain people hearing that it will be up tomorrow evening and others are not hearing that? ***fff</p>

<p>Maybe they’re aggravated that people keep calling.</p>

<p>Well, there’s a very easy way to fix that… Have a set date, tell said callers said date, and said callers won’t call anymore. I understand that there are probably a lot more applicants than in previous years, but that should’ve been anticipated, or at the very least taken into account. There also needs to be some consistency in the message they’re giving out. Saying to one person “Mailed Wednesday, online Friday” and another person “a week” or “a few weeks” is misinformation at some level.</p>


<p>Oh gosh! The suspense is killing me :/</p>

<p>At this point I figure there’s no use in worrying about a specific date. There’s too much misinformation to rely on one source over another. Time to just sit back and wait…</p>

<p>Yeah sorry bout the frenzy, I agree with cpuscientist3000, it sounded like it was that lady’s 40th call bout admissions so she was probably ****ed off and told people just to wait.</p>

<p>It’s not our business what the date is. </p>

<p>We will not die if we have to wait til tomorrow or until 2 weeks from now. </p>

<p>Everyone (hyperbole) here is acting privileged, like they’re spoiled. Calm down. </p>

<p>Colleges are still trying to meet their usual release dates while tackling increased application numbers. If you really want your decision as early as it has been in previous years, ask them to spend a less time on your application. Not mine.</p>

<p>Okay no one is acting “privileged and spoiled”. We’re all just excited! There is nothing wrong with expecting things to be completed by deadlines, just like we were expected to send in our applications by a deadline. Obviously we were mistaken as to what was the real deadline, but it’s not a big deal, I’m sure the admissions officers are really stressed, and I’m pretty sure all of us on here know what it feels like to be stressed haha. I’m not angry with them, just justifiably disappointed that I don’t get to hear sooner, and that’s no fault of theirs. So I am going to continue to be excited to hear from UMiami, whatever the date may be, and sorry if my excitement happens to be overanalyzed as “privileged”.</p>

<p>I don’t think it’s acting “spoiled” and “privileged” to expect a certain amount of consistency in the admissions process. Both ED and RD have set dates that the University claims they send out the information, while for EA all they give is a very generic and ambiguous “early February.” I guess in a way we are acting privileged, because we should have the privilege of a set date just like ED and RD have. It’s not only this, but the fact that there’s so much miscommunication. There should be some amount of consistency in what they tell their representatives to say, not the disparity between “a week”, “a few weeks”, or “Friday.”</p>