UM Frost School of Music

<p>Has anyone recieved their Decision Letters from the Frost School?
I auditioned Classical Piano for the Commercial Music Program.</p>

<p>No, I haven’t heard either. I applied for Music Business with a minor in Jazz Trombone or Contemporary Voice (hopefully I’ll get in on at least one)</p>

<p>My auditions went well, and the trombone teacher said he would definitely accept me, so I’m staying positive… but I get more anxious everyday.
I’d hope we’ll hear back by next week, because they did say “mid-march”</p>

<p>Good luck to you, and hope to see you next year.</p>

<p>It sounds like your in! The interview I had went real good, the director talked like there was a good chance. But, my grades for the actuall school is what i’m worried about.</p>

<p>Thanks, I hope so!</p>

<p>but don’t worry about it that much, as long as you’re a good musician they have some pull.</p>

<p>What are your grades like though? I’m sort of worried too, because everyone that I see that got accepted there on here posted GPA’s of like 4.0 and above, while mine is just a 3.5… My SAT’s were good though (1400/1600), so I’m hoping that balances it out.</p>

<p>As long as your audition went well, and your grades are at least in the 3’s I wouldn’t worry about it too much at all.</p>

<p>Yea, i saw those stats too! Then I got kind of worried, but I’m right behind you GPA wise. I have a 3.4, with a 22 on the ACT.</p>

<p>FYI - My daughter was told Frost was sending out notifications March 25th; not sure if that’s email, snail-mail or at myUM.</p>

<p>update - yesterday we were told that notices would not go out on the 25th as previously expected; that it will be closer to the end of the month.</p>

<p>@Mtpaper- Thank you for the help! Did they by chance say the amount of students who auditioned, and were admitted?</p>

<p>@College305 - are you asking about the # of students who auditioned vs the # of students who will be admitted for Frost in general? If so, no, we didn’t ask that; we didn’t find it relevant or interesting… At my daughter’s audition, she asked the teacher for her instrument, and was told… </p>

<p>I’m sure you could email or call the music department in general, or piano department, and find out. Alternatively, ask here at CC’ music forum if there are any current Frost students who can tell you the # of students in your department.</p>

<p>I emailed the Music admissions office today, and the lady was really nice. Decisions will be mailed at the end of this month via Snail Mail.</p>