<p>First of all, happy new year!
Hope everybody did well in the finals!</p>
<p>Ok, I just read through old posts about GT reqs,
and I read somewhere that it has to be 3.0 (in my case) for all the courses.
Just checked my transcript, and I got one B- for calc..
Overall is 3.1...Yeah, I suck..;(
Am I in the regular transfer pool now?</p>
I'm Science of Natural and Environmental Systems major (CALS)...
Do I have to take Calc 1 and 2? I lost the sheet...;(</p>
<p>weird… i just saw you post on the facebook group. lol. i dont have the sheet but i think they are the same (and if not very close) to what’s on the website.</p>
<p>For transfers entering as sophomores (two full-time college semesters completed or in progress at time of application, approximately 30 credit hours):</p>
<p>Biology 1 & 2 with labs
Academic writing 1 & 2 or writing and public speaking
Calculus 1 "</p>