UM honors program

<p>I just received a letter that accepted me into Miami's general honors program. What does this entail? And what exactly are the benefits?</p>

<p>Is it really worth it?</p>

<p>You get preferences in course registration, and graduating with general honors looks good to any employer or grad school. Often some sort of honors is considered the equivalent of a graduate requirement for medical schools.</p>

<p>The requirements for the program are to take at least two general honors courses every academic year, and graduate with 24 Honors credits. The Honors classes are generally smaller in size than normal classes and are usually more intensive.</p>

<p>I’d recommend at least starting out on the track. It can’t hurt, it could help. If you don’t like it, you can always drop the program.</p>

<p>Do you know what the typical stats are for the honors program (GPA, ACT, ETC)</p>

<p>Other than merit awards, has Miami started to send out info on financial packages (based on FAFSA, etc.)?</p>

<p>typical stats for honors program are 1400+/2200+ SAT, around a 33+ ACT. </p>

<p>GPA/Class rank should be high. and good ECs. it’s mostly based on gpa/sat or act</p>

<p>and you should definitely do the honors program. the honors courses are not that much harder, they have much smaller classes and are way more interesting (at least so far) and you get lots of little benefits</p>

<p>Did you receive the honors acceptance letter with the university acceptance or did it come separately?</p>

<p>it came separately</p>

<p>Did most of those accepted in Honors go to the Singer competition?</p>

<p>I’m jumping onboard. How late after you got the letter did you get the invite for Honors program? Did you get any scholarships?</p>

<p>I got my acceptance to UM on January 31st, and didn’t get my Honors program invite until February 27th or so.</p>

<p>Does anyone know if transfer students coming in as a junior are able to get into the honors program? I’m an honors student at my current community college, and was accepted to UM and really want to get into the honors program there.</p>

<p>How many credits do you have? According to [Entrance</a> Requirements | University of Miami](<a href=“]Entrance”> if you have more than 60 credits you cannot.</p>

<p>Thanks for heads up. I called the honors office and they told me that there is an exception to that rule: since I will have 64 credits when I transfer, I will need to send my resume and a brief statement as to why I want to be in the honors college, and then also explain that I’m committed to graduating at UM (eg, will be there for 2 years).</p>

<p>Just FYI for any others wondering.</p>

<p>In that case, just so you know you’ll have to take twice as many honors classes. Normally, honors students take one honors class per semester; you’ll end up having to take two. It’s certainly possible, but it will be difficult because there are a limited number of classes designated as honors. Never hurts to try, though, if you do get in to the program :)</p>

<p>Oh my! OK I will definately have to weigh all that out. I’ve taken 2 honors courses at same time at my CC, and it was a challenge but definately doable. Although I’m sure they’ll be even more of a challenge at university level.</p>

<p>Thanks for that rankinr! </p>

<p>Also, I read in a previous message that you said honors students get preferences in registration. I forgot to ask this when I spoke with the honors office, but do you mean that they get priority class registration? At my CC we were able to register for classes two days before the rest of the student body (which helps with getting the class you want when you want it).</p>

<p>I don’t necessarily mean difficult, as in the difficulty of the classes (though it may certainly be the case). I mean difficult, as in there aren’t that many honors classes. Lots of them will overlap with classes that you’ve transferred. But you might be able to find the perfect schedule.</p>

<p>This will actually be my first semester registering as an honors student because I wasn’t admitted as an honors student, but I was accepted to the program at the beginning of this semester. I think honors students fall under the category of “special groups” on the registration schedule… but someone recently said otherwise, I remember, so I could be wrong. I’ll let ya know in two weeks! :stuck_out_tongue: There are a few other honors students on here… maybe they’ll offer their input, too.</p>

<p>yeah ud have to really double up on honors classes. BUT any 500 level class can be made an honors class…so it’s not THAT hard. </p>

<p>so if you take all upper level classes once u enter UM you should be all set</p>