UM in DC

<p>Sent in my deposit for the program. Anyone else doing it? Maybe we could start a Facebook group</p>

<p>hey, i just decided today that i’m also going to do the DC program…still holding out for the Fall but if not i’m definitely going to DC for the fall…yea i think we should start a FB group
oh and i’m emily and i live on long island, planning to study communications/psych</p>

<p>Does anyone know if we have the option of enrolling at another 4 year school for the first semester, then just enroll in november of this year for spring semester at UM if we do not want to do UM in DC?</p>

<p>I’d appreciate more info on this if anyone knows!</p>


<p>I’ll start a group when more people reply. </p>

<p>And I think that you can enroll in another school for fall semester and then go to UM in spring</p>

<p>Hi, I sent in my deposit today. @eml9094 I’m also holding out for fall, but if it doesn’t work out, I’m excited for DC. I think the program sounds really interesting. And I’m a communications/international relations major!</p>

<p>I think there should def. be a facebook group! We could post it on the regular group so people would know about it.</p>

<p>Did anyone else get closed out of this UM in DC program??</p>

<p>Did you get in? We got shut out and wait listed</p>

<p>I got wait listed! Really upset. Hoping to get off the wait list for either DC or fall admission.</p>

<p>Did Anyone get in The DC program if so when did you send the deposit in</p>