<p>I want to double major and do a minor at UM, is it too much??? I initially applied for something I don't want so I will probably transfer out, and change my major. Will it be too much to handle if I take a double major and minor, i dont want it to be too much. Is it in anyway possible or recommended? Tks. </p>

<p>I am a current freshman with a double major and minor as well as an advanced certification on my degree. Miami encouraged double majors for high reaching students who want to get more from their education and assuming that you are serious about your education, you should not have a problem double majoring. In fact I seem to remember hearing a statistic that %40 of UM students double major. However, the rigor of your courses depends on the two majors. Double majoring with engineering for example is a lot of work and much more difficult because the number of credits and classes required. Let me know if you have any more questions. </p>

<p>@oceanchem I messaged you! thanks for the offer </p>