UM or UF

<p>Now i know it is my own decision but of the schools i have been accepted it comes down to these two and i want to see other's opinions. I live in miami and i am a cane fan but with financial aid and bright futures i only get about 26000 and if i attend um i will have to pay about 17000 on tuition alone; I wont have this financial problem at UF.</p>

<p>So what do you think is the better school? and if UM is it worth the possible debt in loans?</p>

<p>Thank you for your help</p>

<p>What are your future plans? Are your parents even willing to pay the cost of UM or would you have to take out loans?</p>

<p>Aside from cost, I think UM is hands-down the all-around better school but when you put a value on whether or not it’s worth it, I think a lot depends on what your plans are.</p>

<p>No most likely i will have to pay most in loans and a job while i go to school.
And I was planning to go to law school but I’m not very sure of that I’m planning to major in economics.</p>

<p>As a current resident of Gainesville who applied to both, I’d say that it really comes down to the environment you want.
Miami is an all-around smaller school, so you’ll get smaller sized classes there. I took abnormal psych at UF over the summer and the class still had at least 50 people in it. </p>

<p>Gainesville is a great city and I really like the environment, but it’s definitely very different from Miami/Coral Gables.</p>

<p>I’m also planning on going to law school, so it’s really important to me to be in as little debt as possible. Law school is REALLY expensive. </p>

<p>If it were my decision based off of those financials, I’d probably go to UF.</p>

<p>I see your point because honestly i feel like miami (a city) is my type of place especially after going to ultra, but if i want to go to law school it would be too much debt already. Thanks for your advice it really helped</p>

<p>Andres- If you are talking about accumulating significant debt to go to UM then go to UF. Honestly, both schools are great- but different. I can’t imagine that you won’t have a wonderful time at UF. I am a UM grad- and I still don’t think you should go into debt when it could have been avoided.</p>

<p>BTW- what is Ultra? I’ve heard of that before, but don’t know what it is.</p>

<p>Minor clarification to andres7 - UM is not in Miami - it’s about 7 miles south of the city. So, if you are looking for an urban campus, sprawling around part of the city scape, you won’t find that at UM. Not sure you’d find that at UF either as I’m not familiar with that school. By contrast, Syracuse University (my hometown) is located right in the city.</p>

<p>UF. It’s a great school, great reputation. Don’t increase debt you don’t have to endure. Think positively and enjoy making new friends and have a great college experience.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the comments it really helps and btw i live in miami and the school is fairly close to everything.</p>