UM or UM

<p>greetings all - it's getting down to the wire and I need to make a decision.
My top choice of schools is Michigan, but the OOS tuition is very steep (would require many loans). I was looking at Texas until they increased the OOS tuition 60% for incoming freshman. Miami offered me a very nice scholarship that makes Miami less expensive than my state school (U of Illinois). I plan on majoring in business. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>I can't tell you anything about the business program. Wish-it-was-April is our business parent here...</p>

<p>But, I can tell you that my son chose UMiami over UIUC as well. For us too, it was as economical as Illinois with the merit money. And son is very glad he made the decision he did. There are quite a few Illinois kids at the U, although most from the Chicago area. Fewer from down-state. Be sure and read through a lot of the post's here at CC, because there is a lot of good information about life and academics not only at the U but in Miami in general. And if you have any more questions, please don't hesitate to ask, you will find a good range of students (both rising freshman and upperclassmen) as well as parents here on this board. Good luck with your decision.</p>

<p>Although I have no particular advice to offer, I'm interested to know how your decision will turn out. I'll probably be debating between Miami and University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign), being that I live in Illinois and have relatives near Miami. Good Luck though, I hope you make the choice that's best for you!</p>


<p>I have family in Coconut Grove. We are going to U of I on Friday for a tour for the benefit of my parents (Miami's campus blows away Illinois).</p>

<p>Agreed. U of I's campus could use some work. Construction was still a problem as of my last visit, and things just need some renovation. But yeah, Miami's campus has got it beat, no contest!</p>

<p>Construction is an issue too on Miami's campus. Lots of it going on right now. And a vote was just taken by the students (it passed.) The student activities fee will be increased (I think it will be like $100 more) and the UC as it now stands will become a thing of the past. A brand new, much larger, much nicer UC is in the planning stages with construction to start within the next couple of years. Cox Science center is going through a remodel (abeit a lot slower process). And I just read where they will also be adding 3 more decks to the Pavia garage, and add more surface parking to try to help alleviate some of the parking problems.</p>

<p>Ah, good to hear that progress is being made, yet I'm nervous about the UC going away...since I'll be there in fall of '07. Are they going to simply knock it down and make a new one? Will the construction occur during the school year? I'd imagine the newer UC would be nice in the long run, but hopefully the present one remains for the entire school year. Any idea on when in the next few years the transition will occur?</p>

<p>I really don't know enough about the other Business programs but would add this bit of advice. At Miami, you have already been admitted to the Bus School. At Michigan, you would need to apply during soph year and not everyone gets in. </p>

<p>Michigan's Bus school is top notch, but I would be uneasy about going anywhere where I might find at the end of soph year that I can't get into the major I wanted - especially after paying OOS tuition.</p>

<p>Here are some questions answered about the UC construction. This was taken off the FAQ's on the student affairs page at</p>

<p>How much will this project cost?</p>

<p>There are two main parts of the project. Building the new Student Activities Center constitutes much of and renovating the stage area of the UC patio is Phase 1. Renewal of the University Center is the focus of Phase 2, and that would be mostly renovation work with some new construction . Construction estimators have reviewed the pre-design and project a total project cost of $ 88 million, which includes construction, furniture, fixtures, contingencies, and other costs such as architect fees and permits .</p>



<p>IIRC, the new student center still needs approvals, but it is planned in two phases.
Phase 1 The current UC will remain the same and continue to serve students, while the Rat is demolished to build a new student center building. (planned 2009)
Phase 2 The current UC, pool, patio etc, will be drastically remodeled
It is said there wont be any fee increases, until Phase 1 actually opens.</p>

<p>The university handles construction and these student referendums for fee increases pretty well. Examples being the new buildings being built behind the LC and the Wellness Center which also had a student vote.</p>

<p>Parking actually isn't too bad, there are always open spaces, just not where students would like them. The University added the temporary gravel parking lots, since parking space is currently being used by construction. The pavia garage will be expanded as mentioned and the university village will add more spaces too.</p>