UM premed prog. vs. Yale undergrad

<p>I was accepted at yale for undergrad, no scholarship, and got accepted for premed. program at UM with a full scholarship that covers all of the tuition? It is very hard to make a decision.. I will be playing sports in both.... Can anybody help me so I can decide which one to choose.</p>

<p>Do your parents have enough money to pay full price for undergrad AND med school or would you have to take out enormous loans to go to med school? </p>

<p>If you have to take out a LOT of loans to go (I don’t know what the limit should be), maybe its better to take the scholarship for undergrad.</p>

<p>“Sports at both” </p>

<p>rsabawi, how much is this impacting your decision? What sport might I ask?</p>

<p>Is Miami offering you an athletic scholarship? If so you would risk lossing the scholarship if you had to drop your sport to focus on academics.</p>

<p>Yes my parents can pay for undergrad., but medical school most probably I have to take out a loan. Sports have a big impact, so is academics. I will be running track. The scholarship I got is academic, not athletic. I meant by UM the University of Miami not University of Michigan.</p>

<p>You got it right. UM is Miami and U of M is Michigan.</p>

<p>If you’re going to be going to Med School, you’re better off taking the full scholarship to UM. Once you go to Med School, no one will care where you did you’re undergrad and if you’re smart enough to get into Yale and get a full scholarship from UM, you should have no problem doing well and getting into a good Med School. UM is a great school (albeit not Yale) and saving $40+k/year is HUGE, which you will realize once you have to start paying for med school. Plus, you’ll get to run track for a good D1 program.</p>

<p>Honestly if I was in your position I would take the full scholarship at UM…I know people here who have gotten into any number of top 10 med schools.</p>

<p>It’s really a personal choice b/w you and your parents. Consider other things like will you like UM socially, are you close to home, do you like the activities on campus, etc.
UM certainly has a less academic “atmosphere” than Yale but that’s not to say the academics here are bad. The pre-med program is very good and reseach opportunities are abundant…especially with less competition for positions than if you were to go to Yale.</p>

<p>rsabawi, UM is a great opportunity. Maybe you can talk to your parents about putting away the money you would otherwise be spending on undergrad and save it for med school. Just a suggestion of course, but it would really help offset the cost later.</p>

<p>This is a tough choice. You can’t get a degree in pre-med so what is your intended major?</p>

<p>I’d go UM. Medical school is expensive and saving money would be wise…then again I’m foregoing FIU (where I’d get paid 1.5k a year to go) to go to UM (where I’d have to pay 10k). The suggestion that I’ve always gotten is go to where you think you can do best. Rank isn’t that important as much as what you do in that school. In my case I wouldn’t have liked FIU and I love UM so paying 10k is an investment. I dont know how you feel about Yale but if you are considering Yale soley for its rank, not worth it. If you want to foot the bill for Yale, do it because thats where you think you can get a high GPA.</p>

<p>It’s really a difficult choice. If you weren’t doing premed I’d say pick Yale. But you are haha.</p>

<p>If you are that qualified of a student and REALLY LIKE UM then choose UM. If you love Yale and are just eh about UM…then dont choose UM</p>

<p>You need to find a school that you like socially as well as academically</p>

<p>Go to Yale. It will be a very unique and a once in a lifetime experience ( if u can afford it) . Also, Yale premed undergrads are among the top 5 in the country to get accepted to medical schools (not so for Miami). </p>

<p>As a Yale graduate, you will have access to a network of relationships and acquaintances that is envied worldwide. I love Miami, but Miami undergrad is no Yale.</p>

<p>I wouldnt pass up yale. you are set for life at yale. um is an top tier average school while yale is ranked number 2. dont pass it up!</p>