UM Visit Report

<p>For a very detailed report on our UM visit, see: </p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>It was originally posted on the Parent's Forum in Feb. 2005.</p>

<p>Re: the comments about headphones and graffiti - there had been a discussion on the forum as to whether kids in headphones walking across campus or in the cafeteria would indicate that the campus is less "social" or a place less easy to make friends. If kids just listens to their own music, will they engage in conversations with others as often? Who knows if that's true but that's why I mentioned that. As for bathroom graffiti, parents speculated that the graffiti can also tell you about the tone on the campus. Is it Mary loves John or something more intellectual?</p>

<p>wish<em>it</em>was_april, Miami is at the top of my son's list(he is only a junior).</p>

<p>Anything you want to add? Have you visited the school in the warmer months? My son wants a city and a beach. There aren't too many schools that fit the bill. :)</p>

<p>Hi dstark, nice to talk to you again.</p>

<p>Let's see, I have not been there since Feb. and H is doing the move-in, so I won't be able to comment first hand on the weather.</p>

<p>Guess what I might add is that UM continues to be a pleasure to work with - they answer phones with real people, not messages, and the people are helpful and knowledgeable. They had far more accepted students agree to come than they had anticipated so housing is tight and not everyone got their first choice dorm. </p>

<p>The adcomm who interviewed S when she came out here recruiting was a great help to us when we visited and afterwards by telephone. Do interview if possible. They say it is not evaluative but it did seem to be, in a relaxed way. But because she got to know S, she helped hook us up to people to meet at the Business School and Miami Commitment. S got a scholarship from Bus we wouldn't have even known about otherwise. (It is on the website but we didn't know to look for School of Bus scholarships until the adcomm told us Bus gave money to entering freshman too.) S was accepted into Miami Commitment too. (That is a program of selected freshman, which matches jobs to each kid's interests and generally grooms them for future interviews and jobs.)</p>

<p>S can't wait to start!</p>

<p>wish....Could you please report to us what your son thinks of Miami commitment when he gets down there. I know my kids thoughts, but I'm interested in yours...Thanks!</p>

<p>wish<em>it</em>was_april, sounds like your son is off to a great start already.</p>

<p>I hope you stick around. I am sure I will bug you later. :)</p>

<p>Good luck to your son. I am sure he will have a great year.</p>

<p>Gosh, this university sounds fantastic! If that price tag wasn't killing me, i'd want to go there so bad!</p>

<p>1tcm - happy to oblige!</p>

<p>dstark - I will be around but less than before (I hope!) Send me a pm and I'll give you my email address.</p>

<p>Wolves - Didn't you start another thread about scholarships? Look on the website and see what they list for scholarship guidelines. They may be a bit higher this year but you might qualify. Look into it!</p>

<p><a href=",1770,29532-1;30010-2;29913-2;29467-3,00.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;,1770,29532-1;30010-2;29913-2;29467-3,00.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>When we inquired, we were told that the numbers were guidelines, not minimums. Also not sure if those are weighted or unweighted GPAs, and if your school doesn't rank, it doesn't matter. S attended a prep school where no one has had a 4.0 in 30+ years. A 3.5 there is an accomplishment. They don't rank and don't do weighted GPAs. So by the numbers, you'd think he wouldn't qualify. But they take into account the school you are from and he did get offered a scholarship.</p>

<p>I may be able to get the bottom scholarship from the site, but my school is uber-competitive. I have an A- average, I have a 28+ ACT. Do they look at senior grades for scholarships? 1/4 tuition may not be enough though, but if they couple that in with aid, it will help. It's hard to convince my parents to send me to Florida at over 20K when I can stay in my town and go to a more prestigious school for under 10K. </p>

<p>But the thing that sold me on Miami FL was when you said it was like a resort living there, going to the beaches, Coconut Grove and Cocowalk, the fantastic weather, the pools between classes. That sounds so fantastic. They offer the majors I want as well, and it's located in a relatively rich neighborhood, and near some major sports teams where I could land an internship job at. It's got everything I want, but i'm going to have to look long and hard for those scholarships, and i'm not the best student either.</p>

<p>Oh, and i've got that whole "try and get in" obstacle to try and overcome! LOL! What were your S's credentials when he got accepted and offered a scholarship? I've got near a 3.5, if you completely unweigh and get rid of non-academics.</p>

<p>Great info, april. Thanks.</p>

<p>Does anyone have any ideas why U of Miami's retention is relatively low? USNWR shows it as 84%, which doesn't stack up too well compared with some of its peers. Thanks.</p>