UMaryland College Park or Wisconsin Madison for economics, geography, & computer sci?

<p>Which has a better program for:</p>

computer science
& geography?</p>

<p>These are both very good schools which probably both have good programs in those majors. </p>

<p>Are you instate for either school? </p>

<p>Are you a transfer student?</p>

<p>I think I remember your previous posts about being a not-so-good high school student with lowish GPA and test scores. </p>

<p>Will you be transferring as a junior? If not, will these schools look at your high school stats for admission?</p>

<p>If you need aid, then you need to apply to schools that meet need for transfer students (not many do).</p>

<p>Can you afford the out of state costs? (Neither school is going to help an out of state student cover the costs of going to their school).</p>

<p>If you can pay for wherever you go, then great! :)</p>

<p>UW might have an edge in econ and geography with comp sci a tie. I think UW has a nicer campus/town atmosphere.</p>

<p>I like the look of the UMD campus but I was not impressed with the town of College Park.</p>

<p>Nobody is. CP is a dump.</p>

<p>PG County is not Montgomery County.</p>

<p>Try Minnesota as a substitute for Maryland or just as an additional option. It’s very comparable academically to UW-Madison, both have great Big 10 traditions, and both Madison and Minneapolis are better college locations than College Park. I’m not sure how UW-Madison and Maryland rank in those areas, but I know that Minnesota has highly ranked economics and geography programs. I know computer science it solid, but I don’t know where it ranks.</p>