UMass Amherst Class of 2020 Decision Thread

@keikikyrag I was thinking about you yesterday! I’m so happy for you! My D got in also after defer! Have fun!

yeah i got deferred as well, what were her stats?

S2 got a big letter on Friday. $2000 per year “Dean’s” scholarship, CHC, Math major. No FinAid package yet.

@wishfulmomma oh so sweet!! thank you so much! i am so happy, and so happy for your daughter as well :slight_smile:

Has anyone received any denials or heard of people receiving any? I’m trying to figure out if the denials/waitlists are sent at the end of the application review process.

Got the package, $12,000/year “Chancellor’s Award”

Son accepted yesterday, snail mail, spire still shows “under review.” He was deferred early action. Hoping for Isenberg but didn’t get it. Will major in Economics instead, minor in finance. SAR756- Yes, my son knows of kids who received denials this week as well.

Son accepted yesterday, snail mail. Spire still under review. Applied for CS major, but accepted under exploratory track.

To the people that were accepted this week, are you in state?

OOS for us, @jjhs125

@jjhs125 OOS

Not planning to attend but I’m curious about my admission decision. Has anyone heard back from CS?

Instate, cs, accepted mail in yesterday. Chc.

Anyone hear back for psychology major or biology?

@umasswaiting yes, my daughter was accepted this week for Psychology.

jjhs - instate

Getting really anxious how exactly are they doing these decisions

awaiting decision, really hoping to get in. If not, I will take the full ride given by Umass Dartmouth. Umass Amherst is my first choice though.

Had anyone recently received an acceptance into the Isenberg School??

@MariaDeb yeah me, OOS, honors