UMass Amherst Class of 2020 Decision Thread

Has anyone heard from Engineering, specifically Mechanical? We are in-state…

@jjhs125 got in-- in state.

so is there no notification on the SPIRE of your decision? so you have to wait for mail regardles of whether you are accepted, rejected or waitlisted?

My friend said her son was notified last Friday on Spire and then rec’d his package on Monday. He is in-state undeclared.

Have any international student here received their admit packet already? I got my decision on Feb but there’s still no mail from UMass Amherst.

@dvillella My D (also in state) heard via snail mail last Friday - She applied for Industrial Engineering and was admitted to the School of Engineering. I believe they do not specify which major until after the first year of core courses.

Does anyone know how difficult it is to get into CS, down the road if you’ve been accepted to the Computing and Information Exploratory Track?

@Klossy UMass doesn’t do admit packs for international students

After getting rejected from all my other schools I’ve finally decided to enroll at UMass Amherst!!! Let’s gooo, can’t wait for accepted students day on the 10th!

I applied December 23 and im still waiting for a decision!! im getting extremely impatient since this is my top choice as of right now since i got waitlisted to nyu :frowning:

@Caramel101 Is UMass the only school that does not send admit packet for international students, or other public don’t either?

Man the wait is dreadful. Heard back from everywhere else officially cept for here. Top school and getting really nervous about receiving a rejection letter.

@Motiv8tedmom23 Oh! That’s interesting, I thought they did it by Engineering Major. Even better. Hoping we have something in the mail today!!

@Klossy UMass is the only one I know about that doesn’t send it to people whom have addresses outside the US

Still waiting on a reply for the computer science major. I got accepted to WPI with some money but Umass is still looking great because of its location and cost as I’m in state. Is anyone else still waiting for a reply for computer science?

I am also waiting on admission. I emailed them yesterday because most admission decisions had to get posted today, when I emailed them they said some decisions would be up today and others would not be but we would be notified by SPIRE. I’m finding that a lot of people are finding out from snail mail first.

@madisonjarvis21 do you mean that all decisions are made already and should be sent out soon?

UMass wasn’t our first choice, but after hearing back from all the other colleges my son applied to in a timely and professional way, we must say that UMass is no longer in consideration. Very telling that they can’t navigate this process. Makes you wonder what else is being mismanaged at Amherst. As a Massachusetts resident, I’m embarrassed for them, and pissed that my tax dollars are bankrolling this clown show.

Received acceptance letter by mail on Tuesday, posted on Spire Friday. Admission office said can be 3-5 day delay until posted on Spire.

I just read through the 2015 acceptance thread and noticed that people were receiving acceptance letters as late as April 17. Yikes. Still waiting here. In state, applied RD in January, theater major.