UMass Amherst Class of 2027 EA thread

I agree. Interest in the school is waning fast and I’m starting to consider the other 18 schools I applied to. Personally, I don’t believe that any EA decision should come out later than first week of January.


From what I understand, merit aid will come with the EA decisions, but does anyone know when we should receive the full financial aid package?

Where did you hear that on Thursday we should be getting something?

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I’m pretty sure Buddy2 has giving accurate info in the past.


Please don’t blame UMass. I have a son who is currently there and has absolutely loved his experiences.

Yes, the full financial package is revealed with the offer.

Due to the covid years, the admissions department has significantly underestimated the housing needs of the student population. They are trying to gauge the number of students moving off campus so that they can offer housing to the remainder.


I would just add that it is better to wait and make sure the review of our kids’ applications is holistic than rush to decisions. Good luck to all the kiddos who are still waiting!


Even for CS? Otherwise, Jan 27 seems so far away. All our EAs seem to be releasing on that date.

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When we can expect EA results ( BSN Nursing )?

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Don’t have any details of who or what is in this wave.


this thursday, the 12th?


UMass consistently has accepted/ admitted more students that it should over several years. They do share part of the blame in doing so and need to address too many students in the dorms, dining halls etc. My child loves his experience there but there is no hiding the truth - look at the poor kids who had to spend their first semester in a motel way off campus that they had to use a shuttle bus (that was not always on time!) to get them to their classes. ugh

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Yes, so true. This was also partly due to those on gap years in 2020, and then starting up when the ‘21 students started. They had more first years than expected.

And upperclassmen, who did not have the full social life in their first years, chose to stay on campus in order to make friends.

I expect that the numbers will equilibrate.


This just appeared on their instagram


Thanks for sharing!

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Best of wishes that lots will get some good news tomorrow on EA decisions. :blush::partying_face:


I went to grad school at UMass and know the area very well. I hadn’t heard anything about this - any idea where they were housed?! That sounds dreadful.

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Was just reading this yesterday.

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I believe it was the Econolodge. It was all over the Umass parents pages on Facebook.stories about kids not making it to class on time and not getting to know anybody as new transfer students etc. Not a good first year experience at all.

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