UMass Amherst Class of 2027 EA thread

One son was admitted wave 2 to Physics. Other son was waitlisted for ME. OOS. Both have comparable stats, ec, great essays. Boys applied to 15 schools and one got into all 15 and the other 14. They are going to UMASS Lowell. Best wishes to everyone!!!


Rejected, feels bad to have a rejection but it was one of my safeties and I got into my reaches.


My son has been waitlisted a few a minutes ago.

My son was admitted to the College of Natural Sciences! So happy! Good luck to all
it’s been a long wait!


For those following along, lol, dd was waitlisted for CS. Stats: 3.9/4.1, 35 ACT, varsity sport, part time job, STEM-related leadership at school, yada yada yada. I had a bad feeling when she didn’t make it in the first round. Oh well
onward and upward.

As expected, the last wave= deferred. I don’t think I even want to be placed on the waitlist.

My brother was just waitlisted. 3.7 UW GPA, 4.2 weighted, 1420 SAT, 8 APs, in-state, wants to major in compsci. He’s disappointed - this was his first choice by far and he has 3 family members currently attending.

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Does anyone know if their waitlists actually move?

Their website makes it seem unlikely, although I guess it depends on major.

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Son waitlisted for CS. His stats are pretty good and we expected he would get in. But after the first 2 waves, we adjusted the expectations.
So does waitlist here means a deferral? Or deferral and waitlist are different options?

I believe they published the numbers from years past on how many transitioned to acceptance from the waitlist.

Accepted OOS CS with Chancellors!


congrats! would love to know your stats if you’re comfortable sharing.

Accepted with $12k Chancellor’s Award
Direct admit to Isenberg/Marketing

DD OOS (Northern VA)
IB diploma candidate
Didn’t submit scores (1300)
Solid ECs with leadership, volunteering
Strong essay


Son waitlisted for business school. OOS 1390 sat , 37 GPA 8-9 honors/AP classes. Catholic school and several honors there. Very disappointed was first choice.

Does anyone have that spreadsheet that someone shared a while back about admit stats

Dd in state waitlisted CS/Math.
3.96/4.5 GPA, 9 APs, Multi sport varsity athlete, club athlete, NHS, solid volunteer hours, part time job. UM was her #1 even though shes accepted into way more competitive schools.

Rejected. Sports Management, OOS. 3.8 UW, 4.1 W. Test optional. TON of ECs and leadership - 3 varsity sports, volunteer work, 4 clubs, part-time job.

It was his first choice in the beginning but as things dragged on his interest in the big southern football schools has grown and his interest in UMass has faded. He was actually way more upset about the deferral from South Carolina than he was about the rejection from UMass. He’s been accepted to Delaware, Rutgers, Indiana and LSU (still waiting for Tennessee and for SC to make a decision on his deferral), so he’s good.


UMass Amherst really thinks they’re special rejecting high stat students like them :((

Your son will def succeed at the other colleges he goes 2!!!


I am frankly quite shocked by how many relatively high stats kids get waitlisted/rejected.