UMass Amherst Class of 2027 EA thread

We’re still waiting on Bentley as well although my son really wants a bigger school. If your son was waitlisted at UMass very good chance mine will be as well. Sounds like they have very similar stats. Honestly with his stats we thought he had a great shot at Smeal so he only applied to Smeal and 2 others. The other 4 he applied to in January. I wish we had opened it up to many more. Our mistake. We’ll see. Not feeling hopeful. It’s a shame. My son is such a hard worker. Penn state would have been lucky to have him there. He’s still waiting to see if he can get in DUS to Penn. so we’ll wait for that and see.

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did you go for a college tour or showed demonstrated interest. Wishing your daughter best.

I’m from Dallas (living in CA now but moving to Amherst area this summer.) D is at Smith in Northampton. My sister went to Trinity in SA.

Very difficult to compare the Pioneer Valley to TX cities. They are soooo different. PV is rural with dots of small towns. You student will rarely if ever go into a city except maybe Spring Break or such. Everything is cute and quaint, safe, clean. There is more traffic than you might think, especially during major college events (move in, football games, parent weekend, homecoming). It is extremely liberal in ways not even Austin prepares you for. The scenery is stunning year round and nothing at all like Texas. There’s much more public open space. There’s enough to do for students-- food, music scene, coffee, camping/hiking. My D is so busy with school and club sports she rarely has time to leave campus but she has ventured out for a few concerts, camping trips, etc.


Curious about the housing situation for this upcoming Fall- hearing stories about over-acceptances last year resulting in 3 kids in a double room. Anyone have info on this?

Would also love comparisons on UMass/UConn/Boulder for Geosciences/Environmental science

It doesn’t make sense. I’m sorry that this happened but he’ll find his place.

Same thing happened to my daughter at Penn State. We are also waiting for UConn.


It’s just really nuts!

Anyone get financial aid award notification today?

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Is anyone here attending the admitted students day on Saturday? My son was admitted to the Isenberg School and it is very likely his top choice.


Is there a link for college general course requirements for BS? My Son got acceptance in CS. The CS department only listed CS major course requirements. What about the English, History, and elective minimum requirements?
Also, my son has completed AP CSA and AP Cal BC. He can waive CS121 and ME131/132. But CS187 is the prerequisite for all subsequent CS courses. Is there accepted summer course for CS187? We are OOS, not able taking summer course at UMass in summer.

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Here are the gen ed’s…


Destination day intel? How similar or different than fall open house?
I realize different depts might be diff, and my kid is a CNS kid (we would be going next weekend) - but curious how today’s depts compared to the open house.


The accepted students day was very informative last year, and really helped our son to make his decision. We met with a Chemical Engineering professor and several students in the program and they answered all of our questions. We toured a lab with the professor as our guide, and she actually ended up being our son’s Intro to ChemE professor fall term, so it was nice that she was a familiar face that first week of college. We also got to eat in the dining commons, which is always a treat at UMASS! We attended about 5 accepted students days in all from Boulder to McGill, and found them very helpful - more so than a general tour and info session. Some weren’t great, and that was just as helpful…


We attended yesterdays Destination Day and thought it was great! Very helpful information for next steps and timeline, interesting panels which covered a variety of subjects and of course the opportunity to meet with your specific college/major. It was much more informative than your typical fall tour and helped to confirm my daughters decision. She is committing to UMASS this week :grinning:


S23 (in CA) just did a virtual CHC info session and also found it helpful. In fact, it has pushed UMass further up in his list. CHC seems like it has a lot to offer him and UMass is so much less expensive than any other schools he applied to.


Same stat… Dd got admitted to her reacher for BSN and deferred in UMass.

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My middle child attended a spring Destination Day event last year and it was very helpful and informative. Definitely worth the effort!


Input requested:

Our daughter is inching toward a final decision and UMass is in her top 3. Being from a small isolated town in the West her biggest concern with UMass is feeling isolated again. She wishes it were closer to a large city.

We loved the town of Amherst and I told her I think a college town full of students from excellent schools would be different than “conservative small town America” where we live. Also everything is closer in NE compared to out west. So how isolated does the Pioneer valley feel, really. We’ve visited but weren’t there long enough to get a true feel in this area.

Otherwise UMass is seriously the perfect fit for her.

My sister attended…the campus feels like its own city. She never felt isolated. She keeps trying to convince my daughter to choose UMass.


My sophomore D is at Smith in nearby Northampton. She almost did not even apply b/c she worried is was isolated and rural. She is gloriously happy there. In many ways a big city is more isolating b/c there’s less community and more anonymity. The PV is definitely NOT conservative and UMass is fairly large with a lot going on. I can’t imagine a student feeling isolated there. (We are in the Bay Area CA, but moving to Amherst this summer BTW.)