UMass Amherst Class of 2027 EA thread

Im struggling to find any info on financial
aid / merit for my child. Can someone point me in the right direction

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Assuming you filed FAFSA - if the college came close to your EFC # they are going to take the position that they met your financial need. They might work with you a ā€œlittle moreā€ but their position is going to be pretty firm. The fact that you have a cheaper option on the table is irrelevant to them. If theyā€™re not close to your EFC# then it definitely gives you grounds to break the contract.

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NYTimes did an interesting article on Early Decisions. Not quite as binding as people are led to believeā€¦ if they didnā€™t fully meet your EFC, that is regarded as an acceptable reason to decline.

I was just checking on this yesterday. Your child needs to set up the UMass Spire account and in there is a section for financial aid info. My daughterā€™s had merit aid and financial aid(zero) listed in there. However she did get a notice maybe 2-3 weeks ago that her financial aid package was avail. It could be that they havenā€™t processed your daughterā€™s yet.

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Another topic: Iā€™m trying to figure out if UMass has summer classes and if so whether fall freshman can take them. Our daughter is interested in getting a headstart for a couple of different reasons. Her hope would be in person versus online. Iā€™ll have her check in with the school also.

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My daughter checked her financial aid portal and cost of tuition and all it says $0.00 does it mean what one call full ride ? We are so confused ! Her admission letter did say $12k year scholarship

We donā€™t understand :frowning:
Is it possible that her financial aid package hasnā€™t been uploaded ?

Huh. Not sure. Iā€™m guessing her FA ā€œpackageā€ has not been processed yet. Did she receive an email notification about Financial aid being ready? How long ago was she admitted?

She was admitted last weeken, and no she didnā€™t received any email stating her financial aid package was ready she just happened to check . :frowning:

Iā€™m guessing that her final package is not ready then yet. It took at least a month for our daughter to receive hers. And for most other schools she hasnā€™t even gotten one yet (though for us they will all equal zero anyway yay). Silver lining we know our likely all in price sooner!

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Went to the admitted students event this past weekend in the Schools of Natural Sciences track. Overview presentation referenced this year as the highest applicants pool in the history of the University (50k for a little over 5k accepted - thatā€™s 10%! Honors college was 3%). I suspect that there is a tidal wave of students that did not attend collge during the covid lock down that is hitting the applicant pool this year. Umass currently top interest, but now have to break down the specific programs, can all the prerequisites get lined up to squeeze into 4 years and if there are 4+1 options for a Masters vs the options at the other accepted schools. (5 for 5 so far with Honors college invites at all but one and scholarship money). Have some friends struggling as they only applied to reach schools and this competitive environment is biting them hard as they are going after engineering and IT and I suspect that is a big focus of the pent up demand. Good luck all.

Wow that is crazy. I canā€™t believe my daughter got in - also into Natural Sciences. Makes the higher price tag for us sting a little less for some psychological reason that should make no sense haha.


My son is also waiting to hear for isenberg. What are some of the stats of kids who got in who applied regular decision? I would have thought my son had a decent chance but now since we havenā€™t heard Iā€™m thinking his chances are slim. My son has 97.5 unweighted and about a 98.5/99 weighted. All honors/courses. 4 AP classes. Did not submit SAT. Started two clubs, treasurer of FBLA, captain of football team, seal of bI literacy, internship, works PT, community service etcā€¦itā€™s so much more competitive out there than I thought for business schools!

Sounds very similar to my son who is waitlisted. There are just not enough spots in the Isenberg School to accommodate all these high stat kids. Hopefully a lot of kids will decline their acceptance to make room for kids that really want to go there.

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I got in to Isenberg but thereā€™s a 99% chance Iā€™m going elsewhere so there will be an extra spot open.

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Can I ask what college you chose?

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It does not work this way. you are already part of the yield calculation. take your time and decide and you do not have to decline before the may 1 deadline.


Ole Miss.


Hotty Toddy


:grin: Hotty Toddy!
