UMass Amherst Class of 2027 EA thread

Our student just got into Honors Isenberg with Deans Scholarship of $2k. In state RD.


Can I ask what your student’s stats were?

4.0 UW GPA test opted in 1540 SAT good ECs Great why UMASS. Talked about so many fall trips, mt Tom climbs, Anthony’s pizza, puffers pond, etc in formulative memories as child.

Hope that helps.

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Thank you! Is your student going to attend? Great stats, could go anywhere!

just got invited to apply to BioTAP! did anyone else get the same invitation?

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Strong possibility as Isenberg is a great program and IS tuition makes it affordable. But awaiting few other decisions this month before making the final decision.

How well reputed is the CS program at umass? What about internship opportunities? And how comparable is it to schools like nc state or tamu in regards to cs?

UMASS CS is definitely more reputable in tech circles than the other two you mentioned. That coupled with high tech around Boston area makes UMASS CS lot more appealing.

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How much difference of UMass vs UMD CS, in AI/ML area, and in general CS ranking? and what about the CS job placement for each school?
son got both, but UMD is Letter and Science. he wants AI direction, maybe BS+MSc CS. He now leans to UMass, although I think UMD is better in location and ranking.

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AI/ML, OS/Queuing systems, SW Engineering, Theory of CS used to be and most likely are the specializations at UMASS. Can’t speak for UMD but for AI/ML, UMASS is well established and has high reputation. Hope that helps.


They are both public colleges with good reputations.

It’s going to come down to where the student plans to work their first job. If New England region, UMass is the better choice. If the Mid-Atlantic, it’s UMD. If neither, reputation should play no role whatsoever.

Regardless, where the student believes they’ll be happiest and will thrive is the right choice.


Son will likely choose UMass 2023. Just wonder if freshman did not get honor program, can he apply at sophomore year? What GPA or other credit are needed as general requirement?

I think students can apply after one semester, but definitely after a year. Many do and most get admitted who apply. That’s what we heard on the tour.

This part is anecdotal. Some opt not to apply, due to the thesis requirements and due to additional majors/minors/other commitments/interests. Some who were admitted initially to honors drop out due to double majors—after living in the honors dorm, which is supposed to be very nice.

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I live in Massachusetts and tons of kids from our school go to UMass. It seems like it is not that hard to transfer into honors. I would call the admissons office directly and ask. I never would have done this with my first child.But having gone through this process three times now I think it is important to get the info from the direct source. Things are always changing with colleges.

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S22 is a freshman at UMASS. You can definitely apply to honors for sophomore year. He has a friend who is doing that. He lives in a dorm with a lot of CS and Engineering students (he is neither) and tells me how smart they are. They work very hard.


ED has been out a long time so I hope you’ve already resolved this. If your ED schools Net Price Calculator wasn’t accurate and you’re now being asked to pay more than your EFC then you can out of the ED contract. If you never qualified for financial aid or didn’t apply you need to attend your ED school.

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Has Umass Amherst given a figure on how many admits/waitlists so far? Do waitlist applicants have a chance?

Which residential area?

He lives in the Northeast area. It’s right next to the Worcester dining commons (newest one). It’s very close to some of the science and engineering buildings as well. Since it is pretty central he is fairly close to everything.

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