UMass Amherst Class of 2027 EA thread

We’re going to Destination Day on Sunday. But I noticed your bluehens name. Do you live in Delaware? I went there undergrad. And it’s down to UMass and Delaware for my DD23.

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We are in MA. Old older son is a Blue Hen and loves it! DS23 also deciding between Umass and UD. Loves both schools :blush:


My daughter as well! We loved Delaware.


I haven’t heard anything bad about it, either! And we loved it when we visited earlier this month. I think it feels like a big leap for him … as I’m sure it is for your daughter, too!

He’s never been a big risk taker, and going so far away from home is out of his comfort zone, but my spouse and I think it would be really, really good for him to seize this opportunity.

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does anyone know what the acceptance rate was for undergrad cs this year?

It should not be too different from the last year’s.


Since UMA overenrolled last year, I am wondering if it might be a lower acceptance rate for CS (and others) this year. Perhaps they will use the waitlist more in order to avoid too large of a class size for 2027. They have to do this since they had/have a housing crisis.

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Has anyone come off the waitlist at all? Do we think it will be after May 1?

No update for us, your taught son WL for school natural sciences???

No we are waiting for Isenberg for Business.

To be honest, any tier 1 research school CS program will be sufficient educationally. Right now the magic happening with AI is in application of the tech not so much the creation of the models. There are 5 or so key players (job applications and internships there ok but given the layoffs in tech there will be a lot of startups comin.). Boston, Austin, cali, Seattle, are all hubs, and people are fleeing west coast costs so mass is a good place to be. I graduated with concentration in IT and work in the space as part of larger cloud industry

Well, it’s official: We have put down our deposit for UMass Amherst! I’m very excited for my kiddo as he prepares to start this next chapter. Now we are researching dorms and I guess I need to start making a shopping list for what he’ll need when he gets up there.


This was recently released and yes acceptance rate went down a bit. May help some with the overcrowding situation:


Official Commitment here too!! My son will be a Managerial Economics major. Can’t wait to get back to Antonio’s :slight_smile:


My daughter got her acceptance for premed bio. Now dilemma is going UMass or Elon ughhh never ends

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D23 got accepted for CS last night with Chancellor’s award (from waitlist). Too late for us… we have moved on to others. Just wanted to say that there is movement off the WL for anyone still hopeful! Good luck!


My son got accepted off the waitlist last night. He committed to another school but is seriously rethinking his decision.


Do they give financial aid for the students coming off of the WL?

My daughter committed as well - very excited!

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This is the one that got away for me! If I could go back to college it would be at UMass!

Congrats everyone!

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