UMass Amherst Class of 2027 EA thread

My son got accepted off the waitlist tonight for Biology, he had committed at another school but is now considering UMass.


Congrats to those who got offers!!! Anyone get off the waitlist for business?

My daughters friend was also admitted yesterday from the waitlist for health sciences. Good news :).


He accepted today! So excited!!!

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New freshman wants to live in southwest and join a RAP. Looking for a class that won’t add to the difficulty of his course load and a dorm with a social vibe. Interested in Kennedy first. Other options are Thoreau, Emerson, Cance, James, Moore, Pierpont. Any advice from previous students that have done a SW RAP? Any information on these classes would be much appreciated: Kinesology 100, Edu 167, Resource Econ 102, Phil 164, Phil 170, Anth 104, Public Health 129. Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Same with my son (Southwest) but is looking at business/management related ones. Any information people can provide specifically or generally on the RAPs would be appreciated.

This gives me hope. My daughter has her heart set on UMass Nursing. Crossing our fingers that we hear something soon.

Anyone get off the nursing waitlist?


Best of luck!!
Where will she attend should UMass Nursing not happen?

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Congrats! Would you mind sharing stats: GPA, tests, in state, etc.? Thx!

UMaine or Quinnipiac. Most likely UMaine.


My daughter is just finishing her freshman year at UMaine Nursing!! :star_struck:

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My son got off the waitlist yesterday for CS. Got a scholarship too. But he is not going to take it.


To HashMom
Congrat! May I ask what school and program will your son go to?

Congrat! May I ask what school and program will your son go to?