umass nursing, regis and curry

hiiii so ive been accepted into the following schools for nursing

regis college
curry college (ok scholly, but a little too expensive
umass dartmouth
umass boston

and im still waiting on lowell i got deferred to regular admission but then again, dartmouth deferred me and i got in…it really depends on the applicant pool i guess? anyways, if anyone here has some good words about the programs let me! thanks!

UMass Boston is a commuter school - no dorms on the campus - great clinicals in Boston.
In the UMass system, you may be able to intertransfer between nursing programs.
All the UMass nursing programs provide a quality nursing education at a reasonable price.
Curry & Regis are both private schools - good nursing programs but not exceptional for the price and you could graduate with more debt if that is a consideration.

Here is a link to Massachusetts NCLEX results 2013 & prior. I could not find results for 2014 on the internet but they should be available by calling the Mass. Board of Registered Nursing.

thanks a lot! ya i checked my app online for lowell and it said my program plan of study was public health…so im guessing i didnt get in to nursing? yah ur right maybe i could switch into lowell if i end up not liking boston a lot…thanks again!

kaynicole4 - if you truly want nursing, I would call UMass-Lowell admissions office to verify if you were accepted for nursing or public health. Perhaps, the admissions office made a mistake and put you in public health and maybe you can get it changed to nursing or be put on the waiting list for nursing.

I am having a hard time deciding which college has the best nursing program and prepares me for a job when I graduate.

I was accepted at St. Anselms College Nursing Honor Program, Curry, Regis, Endicott College, Rivier, Salem State Honors program. I like the fact that some of the colleges listed start clinicals your sophomore year bc it gives you more hands on experience. Any information would be beneficial.

Thank You

@me2015 - In making your decision in choosing the best nursing program for yourself, I would first consider if the program is direct admit or nondirect admit. I would definitely choose a direct admit program where you know you are guaranteed a spot in the nursing program for 4 years and you do not have to reapply in sophomore year for a nursing spot as you would have to do in a nondirect admit program. Secondly, I would consider the cost of attending each school. Salem State is a public school whereas the other schools you are considering are private and their costs would be much higher. Thirdly, I would consider what school feels like the best fit for you [hopefully you have visited all the schools] - where you can see yourself and where you think you would be the happiest. The NCLEX passing rates for all the MA schools you have been accepted to are pretty close [I did not look at the NH schools] so they are all comparable in providing a quality nursing education. I would not put much emphasis on your decision whether clinicals start sophomore year. You can gain a tremendous amount of clinical experience working as a nursing assistant during the summers. Good luck with your decision.

I would be very concerned about Regis College’s 2014 NCLEX pass rate–only 60% of students passed last year …I I tried calling to learn more but no one calls back. Regis is ranked almost at the bottom of list for Massachusetts nursing schools …now ranked # 45 out of 48 schools.

Here are the rest of the pass rates for the schools–I looked each school up on the state it is listed in-just google “NCLEX Pass Rates - 2014 - State of XXX” and you will get the list–some schools have both masters and bachelors programs, and some associates so read carefully so you don’t mix them up-wish they separated them by degree-biggest thing to be concerned about is that if a school drops too low, they will no longer be accredited and the Bachelors is worthless. If you can’t pass the NCLEX rate, you will cannot be a nurse. Lots to consider- Good Luck!

2014 NCLEX Pass Rates for 1st time test takers:

Curry College: 62%: 112 took the test, 69 passed

Regis College, Weston, MA: 60% 105 took the test, 63 passed

Endicott: 82% 39 took the test, 32 passed

Salem State: 82% 101 took the test, 83 passed

Saint Anselm: 88% (New Hampshire report does not list number of students)

Rivier is an Associates program, 84% pass rate

Good Luck!