<p>Hi cc,
So i'm stuck between the Umass Boston and Northeastern nursing programs. I want to minor in premed to see if I can make it into med school after I finish my nursing degree. If i cannot get into medical school, i can on finishing up my education as a nurse. I just want want to know if this is a good plan? I want to hear your opinions about which I should school i should attend and whether or not i should do the nursing/premed path.
Thanks in advance guys.</p>

<p>Anything at all? Any opinions or ideas? Anything at all will help.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I think there have been other threads on this subject. You should do a search.</p>

<p>umass is a good school and it is part of the five colleges, which will probably give you more selection on the courses you want to take.</p>

<p>Thanks but im more concerned about the schools. Like which do u think would be better in the end? I hear that UMb nursing has a higher ranking than neu. But then i hear neu has coop.</p>

<p>xxColleges, I think you mean UMass Amherst is part of the 5 colleges. The OP is referring to UMass Boston.</p>

<p>OP, the NYCLEX pass rates for both schools can be found here:
[Four-Year</a> Undergraduate Bachelors in Nursing Programs](<a href=“]Four-Year”></p>

<p>UMass Boston 88%, NEU 94%</p>

<p>WOW THATS SOME SURPRISING INFO. UMASs DARTMOUTH AND LOWELL 98 %. Why didn’t i apply there. But uh i wished that helped me in deciding because they both have high %s. This gave me a little boost towards neu thanks.</p>

<p>Just so everyone is aware the minimum NCLEX exam pass score was made higher (more difficult to pass) in 2010. Overall pass scores were higher in 2009 then in 2010 as a result. You therefore cannot compare 2009 scores with those of 2010 (unless of course the scores were higher in 2010).</p>