UMD Banneker Key Scholarship and Other Aid - 2019

Hey everyone!

Does anyone have any idea when scholarship notifications for Banneker Key are coming out this year? Based on previous threads, it seems early February they send out an email about something coming in the mail… Please share if you get anything!

Anybody got the email yet? Should be out this week or by next Monday. Waiting…

sigh… waiting as well…

They added a button to their webpage to confirm interview by Feb 19. Wondering if this means they went out already.

@explorer16 - inside checklist or above/below checklist?

@mountainmomof3 On the banneker key page. It says how they are chosen and then has a button to click.

D19 has info in the coalition portal that she is a B/K semifinalist. Interview date is 3/4.

Congrats! Will you share GPA/test scores? Did she get an email too?


@momof2atl Which part of the coalition? The checklist?

This is a little weird. Last year the letters in the mail came first I think.

@explorer16 I will tell you that gpa and test scores are practically irrelevant for B/K invites. There is no threshold to be eligible, per se (other than you need to be invited to honors college to even be considered).

I have seen people post stats in previous years and the resulting melee is crazy because there are always lots of students with “the same stats” or even “better stats” that don’t get a B/K invite and they get very, very upset. It’s important to understand that very few B/K scholarships are actually offered, relative to number of applicants. What you see posted on college confidential is a very small subgroup of the very large pool of applicants.

There is definitely something else that admissions sees in the applications that catches their attention - something that cannot be reverse-engineered to ascertain what that special something is. It is certainly true that a good number of B/K invites are also students that get admitted to ivies, but not always.

FYI, there is a better chance of consideration for other merit awards such as Presidential or Dean’s rather than B/K. However, the caveat for ALL scholarships is that Maryland is a public institution so they don’t have the huge endowments that private colleges/universities have, so they don’t have as much money to go around. They do the best they can and not getting a merit award should not be in any way interpreted as Maryland not being impressed by your accomplishments.

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I am very confused
In the coalition portal said that my son is ,semifinalist"???and the Interview date is 3/6
Could anybody clarified how this work?
Once you are seleCted as a simifinalist what else you have to do?

@polishedsilver, yes in the checklist. @explorer16 my D has not given me permission to share her stats as she considers that private/personal. I will say she is an exceptional student with a broad variety of extracurriculars. I also assume her LORs and essays were good but did not preview. Only so much hovering she will tolerate.

Congrats to everyone that got it!! Gotta say not getting an invite hurt more than getting deferred from Princeton, but there’s nothing I can do about it.

Does anyone know historically when they notify about President’s or Dean’s scholarship? I know Website says no later than April 1 but just wondering what has happened in the past few years.

For those who got the B/K invite, had your child submitted the LLP preferences already? Just wondering if the invite is contingent on the LLP preferences being submitted.

@CCMBR98 - B/K invite and LLP preferences are not linked in any way.

Here is some info on last years scholarships

@classof2023ill -

@CCMBR98 - I believe somewhere on the honors info the specifically say for students to take their time researching their options as nothing is gained by submitting preferences early. I imagine these decisions were made before admissions decisions were even released.

Congratulations to all who received invites! S19 did not but we knew going into UMD admissions process that B/K invites were “consistently inconsistent” so we were prepared.

are the all B/K invites sent out on the same day? if they are sending them out over the next few days, there is still hope. :slight_smile: