UMD Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Probably not waitlisted, that’s usually a RD thing.

Accepted can be for Fall 22 or Spring 23, which would mean you’d be eligible to enroll in Freshman Connection.


Mine doesn’t work
Panicking right now


Dont think it is really any predictor of anything.
Let us all take a deep breath and wait few hours for the actual results.


Pls don’t worry about it. We will all know the actual decisions later today.

Yup. And Freshman Connection is a nice option to have if not admitted for fall!


Any big wordle fans here
Todays word was a good one. I got it in 3 tries


Guys! The link may not work because they send out financial aid around March 1st! They could not have gotten to figure out the aid for all applications!

Let’s all stop worrying! I doubt the link means anything!


4 hours to go…

My daughter graduated from UMD in 2020, and she loved FC! Big fan, here.


Our database predicts: 40%

Go out for coffee or a walk

Is it true that if at 4:45 umd emails that your decision is in, that it is an acceptance?

Pls just stop.


UMD doesn’t defer that I’m aware of. Accepted, Accepted in Freshamn Connection, Waitlisted and Denied are the ones I know of.

I know kids who were denied who got an email that they had a decision.

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They did

Yes, the honors/scholars/carrillion distinctions are in the letters. The Major/College decision will be at the bottom of the letter. So if they applied for an LEP major and didn’t get in they will be admitted to the college of Letters and Sciences

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when the kids who were denies get email?

To get into Smith from L&S you need a 3.9 GPA and passing the gateway courses (business calc, business stats, and accounting 1) for a direct admission. They say you need a 3.5+ to be competitive for admission to transfer into smith.