UMD Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

It sounds like you already know that most applicants are admitted EA. For the class of 2023 it was 97.3%. Still, like the lottery, you gotta be in it to win it. The application fee is $85. If that is not a hardship, I would still apply RD but also know that it’s a long shot and you need other realistic target and safety schools.
One of the colleges my D applied to OOS admits less than 1% of its students from my state, so I do not expect an acceptance but she was interested so she applied.

Good luck.


I agree with this completely.

Unfortunately your odds in RD are extremely slim, not so much because of your stats as just UMD will already have most of who they want.

In the end they will pick and choose the last students that they want during RD very carefully, probably looking to fill in any gaps (specific major, other status they want to shore up). You might be one of those but who knows.

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We are OOS, and my son applied in late October. Based on trends from previous years, do folks have a sense for when decisions start coming out? Thank you! And good luck to all.

It’s usually the end of January.


Thank you!

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Submitted app for CS. SAT - 1530 (superscore); Top 2% in class. Good amount of CS course work and EC. What is my chance in RD?

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I am OOS.

Applying RD is tough at UMD. EA is the one to apply for. The problem is they’ll have filled the vast majority of applications they want. I think RD is mostly them plugging holes. Just my thoughts. Hopefully someone can give you a decent answer but applying RD has severely hampered you.

Uggggggh, out if state. Take what I said and multiply it by ten…


Even though my daughter is fully aware that she will not know anything until the end of January, she woke up today at 5:30 am to go to dance practice and saw an email from “University of Maryland Admissions” She thought to herself “this could be really bad or it could be really good” And with a small amount of trepidation opened it to read

“Happy Thanksgiving from the University of Maryland Admissions”

Now that is almost cruel!


Same! :laughing:

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Same as well

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For a point of reference, last year UMD had:

50,306 Applications (EA and RD)
20,382 were Admitted (EA and RD)
4,861 were Enrolled

The average GPA was 4.39
The midpoint SAT was 1430
The midpoint ACT was 33

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msyork316 I’d say your chances are strong …. to quite strong.

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With a Subject that starts “Happy Thanksgiving from the University of Maryland,”, seems odd to call this cruel. This would have to apply to every email received from any college to which a student has applied

Do other mail clients not show the subject line in the initial listing?

No worries, and btw some people are mr. contrarian to everyone-don’t take it personally.

It was in her phone so no subject and at 6am on her way to dance practice. Was supposed to be funny and sarcastic. Glad I don’t have your sense of humor :joy:


Thank you :slight_smile: The level of negativity some people possess is amazing :joy:


SAT composite appears to be off. According to CDS for 20-21, ~ 55% of enrolled students had scores < 1400; 1460 was beginning of 4th quartile (1290 2nd q), therefore, 1430 is too high for midpoint

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Those numbers come from the following link, under “Admissions”

The report is a PDF file opened by clicking on

Undergraduate Admissions Summary ( - updated October 2021

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It could be the difference between admitted and enrolled students. Many of the strongest students might have decided to enroll somewhere else thus lowering the median of enrolled students.