UMD Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

No, the numbers appear to align with the F19 numbers. Despite this, it is not factual to assume this is the actual mid-point. This is because, if you consider a normal distribution, those on the left side are not submitting scores; this shifts the mid-point to the right even though the population likely has similar stats. Additionally, if you read footnotes in the 1 pager, this is not the actual composite scores; it only reflect the highest of the 2 ( e.g. a 1100 SAT will not be reported if the same applicant has a 31 ACT) it also is reporting the score used by admissions, i.e., super score, not the composite score. The important point here is that students should not assume they need these stats to be admitted

To clarify, CDS for 20/21 seems to align to the F19 numbers in the link provided by @SoofDad

It is not my intention to cause students to make any assumptions about gaining admission to UMD. I am only presenting data that has been publicly reported by UMD itself.

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It was not my intent to imply you are responsible for the accuracy of the numbers you quoted. I apologize if that is how my earlier comment came across. I wrote it rather quickly. I noticed for some reason the option to edit ones own comments is no longer available- at least not to me.

No problem. I should have included the link to the source of the numbers when I posted them

Maybe it has changed, but my daughter received a scholarship offer from UMD and was not accepted into any honors program at UMD. I believe the amount she received as $6000 at the time.

The Banneker Key scholarship is the only one that is predicated on admission to the Honors College

The President’s scholarships are open to all EA admitted students and the Dean’s scholarships are open to all In-State EA admitted students


This makes me feel much better, thank you! My older daughter graduated from UMD in 2020 (the year without a graduation :frowning: ), and this whole test optional thing is so stressful. I encouraged my D22 to send her score, even though it isn’t super high (1300 SAT). It just seemed like if she didn’t send it, it would look like she had a low score to hide. She knows people who couldn’t break 1100 on their SAT who applied TO, so I guess we’ll see what happens!

Does anyone know what happens if you don’t get accepted into the program you applied to? Do you just get denied altogether, or will they offer you admission as undecided liberal arts?

If you apply to a Limited Enrollment Program (Major) and are not accepted, you are placed in Letters and Sciences (this is basically for those who apply Undecided) and you have the option of doing an Internal Transfer into your desired major


Thank you!

Based on admissions and merit scholarship offers I am seeing from other colleges, I am really regretting advising my D to send her test scores to UMD. I am concerned it will hurt her chances. Does anyone know if there is there a way for her to change her application to test optional?

Unfortunately one cannot change their test-optional status once the application is submitted. Per the Test optional FAQ section of their website:

Can I change my test-optional status?
Once you submit your application, your response to the test-optional question will be final and your status cannot be changed.

I highly suspect that most EA applications have already gone thru the initial review process with most decisions already completed. I’m not sure it would make much difference at this point even if they let you change. Hope for the best. If the rest of the application is strong then hopefully the test score won’t have as much influence.

Thanks :frowning:

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I heard rumors about a release next week- is that like completely untrue?

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Very unlikely.

Their stated timeframe is “By Feb. 1”, and they have an announcement up that the volume of applications is causing delays in matching documents to applications, so don’t worry if the portal still shows missing items.

If they’re still matching up incoming applications, it’s extremely unlikely they will release decisions next week.

January 29 last year. I would expect about the same.


UMD has been consistent in releasing as close to Feb. 1 as possible. They will not release early. Every year people speculate and wonder and get all worked up earlier but UMD doesn’t end up releasing early. It’s best just to accept the date and be patient.


I saw a detailed post awhile ago about UMD decisions but now I can’t find it. What are the decision options? Accepted for Fall 2022, Accepted for Spring 2023 with Freshman Connection, Denied. Does UMD defer or have waitlist?

Those are the basic Admission Decisions. There are some additional Acceptance variations for LEPs and Special Programs (Honors/ Scholars/etc). To my knowledge UMD does not defer or waitlist, but there could be some exceptions that I am not aware of.


just tried calling UMD admissions office and said it’s “closed for processing” – as a RD Spring 2022 transfer applicant - any sense if this means decisions today for this pool? They say “by mid-December” on general portal, but can’t find a live person to even ask —