UMiami or Tulane??? PLEASE HELP ME

<p>Hey everyone!
I've recently been accepted into Tulane University, U Miami, Syracuse, and American. I wondering if you have any opinions or suggestions on where I should go! Right now, I am most interested in Tulane and Miami. I'm undecided as far as my major goes. So, I'm looking for a liberal arts school. I want to have fun in college, while still being academically successful. I play the trumpet, and playing in the pep band for the Canes is quite appealing. I visited Tulane and loved it. I think both schools quite similar academically/selectively. I have not been to Miami yet, but I keep hearing good things about it. Please help! Thank you very much. I'd appreciate any comments. Thanks Again! Goodluck to everyone else.</p>

<p>My S also considered UM vs. Tulane (among other places) and has just about settled on UM. Check this thread for lots of details, although it is written from a parent's perspective.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>In comparing the two, we preferred UM because:</p>



<p>When we flew home from Miami, I found myself hoping for the first time since he applied that S would not get the DHS - because I truly felt that Miami was a better match and I was afraid he'd follow the money....</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>Thank you for your help! :)</p>

<p>No question, take Miami, The weather is fabulous. The social life can be great too if kid gets out. The programs are excellent. Miami has a very good endowment and getting bigger due to its proximity to older rich folks. Hi endowment usually means more money and better maintenance on facilities. Tulane doesn't have great grad programs in anything that I am aware of. Miami not only has some good grad programs but has strong medical and law school, which might be easier to attend if an undergraduate there. </p>

<p>Finally, I think miami is a bit cheaper despite all these advantages.</p>

<p> it looks like everyone thinks miami is the better? Interesting... I know Tulane is high on the rankings, and that doesnt mean all that much, but i thought i'd heard some ppl pushing for tulane</p>

<p>To Wi****was u think ur daughter would still chose miami if both schools offered the same $$?</p>

<p>2lane - yes, Miami was pretty much the top choice even before we heard about money.</p>

<p>i'm just wondering...Do any of you have ideas as to why Tulane is ranked 43 vs. miami's 58?? I know its not a big difference, i'm just curious if you have any ideas.</p>

<p>alo? Salut? </p>

<p>ahhh these decisions are the worst</p>

<p>OK, since you asked again, here goes: Stop worrying about the rankings - pick the school, program, etc. that fits best for YOU! One of the main problems with college admissions these days is that schools do all kinds of things to up their rankings, and kids apply and select schools based on rankings. </p>

<p>My S did not get money at Tulane because his SATs were 20 points too low. That is like one or two questions! But Tulane really wants to up its ranking and higher SAT scores do that. Left me with a real bad feeling about Tulane. Luckily, we liked Miami better and they seem to give out money in a more holistic way. </p>

<p>Tulane sends out the free app, encouraging kids to apply (free! no essay needed!) and so kids do. They then accept kids with very high SAT scores, offer them lots of money, and many come. </p>

<p>I've seen posts here that say "I just got accepted at Tulane - only applied because they sent me an easy free app - can anyone tell me about Tulane - I don't know anything." For a kid with his or her heart set on Tulane, who visited, learned about it, sent a thoughtful app, etc., those posts are hard to see. </p>

<p>Now some of those accepted kids never go to Tulane because they got in someplace with a higher ranking. Others are lured by the money, realize Tulane is a good school for what they want, and go. The end result is Tulane's ranking goes up as the SAT scores go up. Miami doesn't play this game. Sure, they give money to their best applicants, but they don't troll for students quite like Tulane does, and their criteria for who gets merit and how much they get seems a bit more fluid, from what I have learned.</p>

<p>Just my two cents.</p>

<p>I'm visiting miami next week. Hopefully i'll get everything straightened out! Thanks april</p>

<p>I picked Miami! Good luck.</p>

<p>I'm going to UM monday!!! I'll be sure to keep you guys posted!</p>

<p>Arright guys!! So, i just got back from Miami. Wow, talk about an amazing campus. I could not believe that kids actually go to school there! It's like a resort. While walking from the dorms to the schools, the fountain in the lake brings a refreshing mist. It's great. Anyway, so the first day i was there, i went on the tour and info session. The tour guide was from bermuda, she was really sweet. (and not getting paid) She seemed to really enjoy everything about Miami. When asked about what kids don't like, she said the only thing she didn't like was the "no merit for internationals" or something. But anyways, after the tour, my mom and i ate ate one of the dining halls. The food was great, lotsa selection. I can see myself gaining the freshman 15 there. Everyone seemed to enjoy miami. The students seemed very happy. Haha, almost TOO perfect. The following day, I joined this "cane for a day" program. Basically, I met up with a sophomore and he took me to his accounting class. It was...well...i had no idea what was going on. But, the professor was cool and he seemed nice. The sophomore was nice and funny. He transferred from...i think UIF. He likes umiami much more. He invited me to go to his philosophy class, but i had to meet up with my friend from boca. We went to "the grove." It was pretty nice. I can only imagine what its like on sat. nights when its crowded with umiami students. My mom and I spoke with an admissions representative about my lack there of merit scholarship. She took a look over my app and decided that my class rank was probably the issue. (My high school is highly competitive) After showing her my senior year grades, gpa 4.6/5, she encouraged me to write an appeal. So, basically, this is how it's gunna work. If i get the scholarship, i'm going to umiami. If i don't....then....GOD I DONT KNOW. Some days i lean towards tulane, other days i lean towards miami. I feel like i'll be happy at either place, so its win win from here. Keep postin!</p>

<p>I say go with miami cuz it's going to rock. i think you should choose happiness over money cuz you only get to live the college life once, so go with where ur heart tells you. :)!</p>

<p>Miami is clearly better. I chose Miami over tulane myself. Hope to see you there.</p>

<p>oh god i'm not sure!</p>

<p>Ohhhh no...2 more days til judgement!! I'm gunna cryyy</p>

<p>so what was the verdict ???</p>

<p>Miami is better</p>