UMIAMI Trasfer Credits

<p>I am currently a Freshman at the University of Connecticut (aka UCONN) and cannot stand the cold. I want to transfer to miami next fall (2011) as an econ major in the college of liberal arts and sciences ( I don't think I would get into the Business program). Here are the stats as of now.</p>

<p>College GPA
first semester: 2.72
20 credits first semester
I plan to have a 3.2 gpa by the end of the year. </p>

<p>High School</p>

<p>GPA 3.2
All upper level classes and 3 APs</p>

550 CR
590 M
570 W</p>

<p>President, VP, Coordinator of literally every extra curricular in High School, as well as a three sport athlete, community service, employment etc</p>

<p>I will have excellent letters of recommendation.</p>

<p>I am hoping that UConn's reputation academically will help out my less than perfect gpa. Ive also been advised to apply as an econ major in the liberal arts program because it is easier to get admitted there, rather than in the school of business. Is this true?</p>

<p>Also…FSU? I hear Florida State is a decent school and Ive looked into it. Its no Miami, but it seems more reasonable/attainable. What are my chances here too? (please chance each school separately)</p>

<p>If you look on FSU’s website they have strict requirements for freshman and sophomore transfers, so if you fulfill the criteria then apply. Otherwise the chances of you getting in would be slim considering the volume of applications they receive. Its all about numbers and cut-offs for them. As far as U Miami goes I’m still trying to figure out what my chances of transferring would be like. On their website they mention that most competitive transfers have a GPA of 3.4, and that the closer you are to that average the more competitive you are. Scholarship cut-off GPA (two for $16,000 and the other for $8,000) is 3.75, so you might get in but not get an academic scholarship.</p>

<p>Given U Miami’s new position as the highest-ranked school in Florida, I suspect that transfer admissions might be more competitive. I hear of people with much higher GPAs getting rejected from UF, so it would seem a bit weird if 3.4 was the standard for U Miami (which is ranked #43 or something, while UF fell out of the top 50). This could also be a result of overcrowding in UF though, given that it is coveted for relatively low tuition as well as prestige.</p>

<p>Hope this answers a few of your questions, take a look at my thread on this forum and let me know what you think!</p>