UMiami vs Wake Forest

<p>Does anyone have any thoughts on UMiami vs Wake Forest? I am beginning they have some similarities in attracting the same type of student, and have never put them in the same category before. By that I mean:
Rigorous academics (WFU is more rigorous, I know)
Preppy-dressed students (UMiami has the beach factor yet the student body tends to sport plenty of polo shirts)
Spirited - but because of the bond a small private school provides
Greek life is popular, but now sprawling sorority houses</p>

<p>Any thoughts?</p>

<p>No comparison in terms of location. People don’t fly in from all over the world to visit Winston Salem.</p>

<p>They do if they want to buy furniture. </p>

<p>My son goes to Miami and I can guarantee you that you will find rigorous academics at the U. Miami is also much more diverse and international than Wake Forest. Regarding the preppy -look:anything goes at UM, but most dress casually. Miami classes are taught by teachers not TAs. There are many opportunities for research and internships. There is a tremendous school spirit. One of the reasons we chose Miami is because all the students we asked (and we asked a lot) loved the school and recommended highly.</p>