
<p>Well I'm a California resident so I've only been looking at UC's and CSU's. But lately I've been thinking about going to UMiami.</p>

<p>I want to apply to UCLA, UCSD, UCSB, UCI, Cal Poly, SDSU, and UM. I could only go to UM if I got a scholarship or some grant money though. </p>

<p>So could someone tell me if I have what it takes to get atleast a 1/2 or 3/4 scholarship. Or what is needed to qualify for some good need-based grants.</p>

<p>My Stats:
GPA = 3.76 UW, 4.03 W
Class Rank = Top 20-25 out of 730 so around 3-4 %
SAT's = Hoping around 2000+
EC's and Recs = Sports, leadership positions, and community service is all covered.....also i should have great recs.
Senior Schedule = AP Physics, AP English, AP Stats, AP Gov/Econ, AP Psych, and Journalism</p>

<p>I really don't like Cal Poly and UCI that much. SDSU doesn't seem respectable enough. UCSD seems too boring, no social life, no sports, no school spirit, nerdy cliquish asians, and seems kind of dull with no community feel.
On the other hand I love UCSB and UCLA. I probably won't get into UCLA so I sort of take them out of the picture. So basically as long as I can get the costs of Miami around the costs of UCSB, I will have a tough decision.</p>

<p>So can anyone give me an idea of what it is like to be a student at UM. Your advice can give me ideas on if Miami is even worth considering.</p>

<p>Your stats will get you in no problem. You are in strong for the 3/4 scholarship with your stats as well with one caveat. This year your SAT I scores between Math and Verbal had to be at least 1400 for the 3/4 scholarship. Miami didn't consider the writing part this year. I don't know if they will next year or not. If they do, you will probably need around 2050-2100, if not, then the 1400 (my S had 1480 and he received the 3/4). The reason I say 2050-2100 is the while Miami has looked for an average of 700 per test part, the writing part is so new and uncertain and results haven't been tested yet that they may choose to lower that expectatio a little. They may also decide not to look at it again to give more time for more results to be studied.</p>

<p>As far as Miami and how it is to go there. Read through all the other posts on this board about miami. You will get a pretty good flavor. Since my son only starts next month, can't help with first hand (hmmm, OK, 2nd hand since I'll hear from him) reports on what it is like. Everything we have heard is very positive though.</p>

<p>Scholarship info:
<a href=",1770,29532-1;40341-2;29913-2;46413-2;46410-3,00.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;,1770,29532-1;40341-2;29913-2;46413-2;46410-3,00.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Miami is a private school and it feels like one. Smaller classes, luxurious dorms you may want to be in for four years, lush landscape, etc.</p>

<p>Many Californians have adapted well to UM. Just look at the rosters of the baseball and football teams over the years. Regular students too.</p>

<p>Coral Gables is probably a lot like Westwood in that they are located in lush suburbs within major cities. </p>

<p>If you can handle the humidity and being away from home isn't an issue. It will be a decision you probably won't regret.</p>

<p>That's a pretty ridiculous example using the baseball and football teams as students who adapt to the environment. Athletes choose schools like Miami because of their prestige and placement into professional ranks. Not because it's a place where they feel comfortable adapting to the environment.</p>

<p>Raising_Cane: Well I decided I'm applying EA to UM and I'm really hoping for a 3/4 or 1/2 scholarship bc then the costs will be less or around the same price of the UC's. Miami offers everything I want in a school and it seems perfect. I would apply ED, but I'm not sure if I want to make that commitment. If I do get in and recieve a scholarship then I will most likely attend.</p>

<p>I'm not worried about adapting, bc it seems like a great fit. Also on the humidity issue, I have a friend who used to live in florida and she said you get used to it, so it shouldn't be a problem.</p>

<p>I plan on getting the college guide on UM so hopefully that will give a good insight on what it feels like to attend UM.</p>

luxurious dorms you may want to be in for four years


<p>UMiami??? Maybe Miami of Ohio, but not Florida. While the dorms are clean and neat, they are hardly luxurious. Of all the schools we saw, UM's were probably the smallest. Now the new University Village look pretty nice, but they are not owned by the U, nor are they managed or priced as such either.....</p>

<p>WHAT!!!!!!! Not luxurious???????? And here I thought with the price and everything, the kid was going to a resort!!!!!</p>

<p>The UM dorms are very nice. They are clean, well maintained and the new University Village will be awesome. Sure, they may not be priced as low as any of the other dorms but what you get with the University Village is a truly great living experience at University of Miami</p>

<p>For the Wolves poster who said It's "ridiculous" that I brought up the football and baseball team players from Cali. Maybe you need to read what I said again.</p>

<p>I also said there are plenty of regular students from Cali. And yes, the people on the athletic teams are students too and they are required to adjust. They experience the same weather as the regular non-athletic students do, go to classes and live in the Gables. Make your objections reasonable. Did you even go to UM?</p>

<p>As far as luxurious, the dorms don't have plasma TVs included, but as one applicant corrected me on some years ago: "UM doesn't have dorms they have residential colleges."</p>

<p>She was right: UM de-emphasizes the word "dorm" and calls them residential colleges. They were designed after Yale's living quarters. A Master (staff member who usually teaches at the Univ.) lives in the res. colleges on the bottom floor with its family. They often have parties (usually make your own sundae) where students who live in the building are invited.</p>

<p>Additionally, cable TV is standard in every room, computer labs are in the lobby of each Res. hall. All have a library or multiple study halls if you just need to get out of your room but don't want to leave the bldg.</p>

<p>Excuse me for calling all those luxuries, but I've been to other dorms/res. halls where the walls were made of plaster paris, puke and urine were conspicuous in elevators every weekend and you couldn't pay a faculty member enough to live on any floor of them.</p>

<p>Since when does the size of a room or house have to do with luxury anyway?</p>

<p>Good luck SoCal18--I hope you do apply and it's good to see people with good grades from far away with interest in The U. I hope you decide to go there when you are accepted too. Best wishes convincing the parents.</p>

<p>LOL. What would I know??</p>

<p>WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No Plasma T.V.'s????????????????????? Oh my GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD, how will my S live????? The shock alone could send him into a catatonic state that may take him till Junior year to recover from, which by that time his grades will be in the toilet, he'll have to give up his scholarship, give up his dream of forming his successful software company, grow a long beard and put an earring in his ear, and run away to some sandy beach town in the caribbean working at some dive bar playing Jimmy Buffet for the tourists. The horrors that I as a parent have to imagine now...... Next you'll tell me there isn't any maid or room service too........</p>

<p>If the college doesn't provide you with a Rolls-Royce Phantom chauffer service consider it a completely awful experience. LOL!</p>

<p>Yeah, and for what I'm paying....a personal butler too!</p>

<p>You people are sarcastic scumbags and are helping out no one who is trying to find out info on a school.</p>

<p>Geez, lighten up Cane. Nothing was aimed at you personally, methinks you are a touch sensitive about things. Un-knot your knickers, relax, and smell the roses...... Lots of good info being given on this site for people, don't rain on peeps parade when they are trying to have a little fun.</p>