UMich Ann Arbor Early Action Fall 2023

This form serves as your singular expression of continued interest in the University of Michigan, and can be used to share additional information about yourself with us. It is voluntary and is not required for us to consider your application in our Regular Decision process. If there is additional information you would like to provide to us, please submit this form by Mar. 17.

Please note: Given the high volume of applicants to the University of Michigan, this form is the only source of additional application information that will be considered. Therefore, additional information/communications sent outside of this form will not be added to your application.

Do you think it will affect the decision either way if you submit a response to the “voluntary” essay to share more about yourself? I have doubts.

Which form are you referring to?

March 17th

Michigan has had better than expected yield the past two years. I think as a parent who went through this last year I’d prepare everyone that their less likely to have waves and anticipate the next main decision for postponed and RD to be late March and anything earlier is a bonus. If people are expecting waves it sets up for a lot of angst. People should read through last years thread in February/March. I think it was the highest number of comments for a thread Everyone was hoping for waves that didn’t seem to really materialize. I love Michigan as do my boys but their admissions communications is not their strength unless you were accepted EA already



I cannot imagine they want more stuff to read. I feel it should just have been a checkbox: “Still Interested?” check the box Yes or No.


You are 100% correct. Michigan never wanted any Loci. But people never believed them. It even says so that you don’t have to send in any loci. Period. Full Stop. But people over the years were bombarding the Schools AO with Locis, letters of recommendation that they never asked for. Counselor letters that they never asked for. Etc etc. Times this by thousands of students.

So, like GT they came up with something to please the students /families applying so they wouldn’t get bombarded and make you feel like you did something extra. Who knows if they are even read but… And it’s a big but…

If your truly interested in any school and they give you the option to send in something just taking the 5 minutes it takes to write a few lines does show interest vs not doing it. Yearly people who never sent in anything get accepted. But so do people that did.

So this Loci creature at Michigan was developed out of people wanting to send in stuff. Not something they ever wanted.


My understanding is that they did not ask for a LOCI or provide an option to upload one until about a couple of years ago. But so many kids were emailing one in that they started providing the option.

@Knowsstuff / @sushiritto - am I misremembering this?

(Edited to add: I see that my post crossed with @Knowsstuff’s and he confirmed this).


Lol. Great minds… Read just what I wrote… Lol

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My D didn’t want to do it b/c she already covered everything is her essays but she did it anyway. Just wrote about her current work doing her IB projects and thesis, somewhat relating them to opportunities she would explore at UM. She would have preferred a check box. Every kid I know is dead sick of writing college essays as least as much as the Admissions staff are sick of reading them.

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I’ll confirm too. The LOCI is relatively new to the UMich process, I’d say 2-3 years old-ish.

In the “old days,” the Michigan thread would be filled with “Should I send a LOCI or not?” questions. Michigan just decided to make it part of the postponement/deferral process.


Totally agree but that make it too easy.
If they used it and that’s an “if”… Any school wants to rule out kids that just got accepted from another school and has no intention of going there. I doubt you would write a short essay if your knew you were going somewhere else right? Also some families start to flame out. So it can be helpful to track families that truly want to continue to persue their education there. Again, if it’s used at all.


and that’s why she wrote it. We will not be doing WL that’s for sure. Twins each have a good offer in hand. They are ready to commit and move on. March can’t come soon enough.


That’s awesome, congrats. GT has a similar Loci policy as do other schools.

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I can tell you with certainty that it began in the 19-20 cycle. S19 deferred EA in Dec ‘18, sent his own LOCI to rep via email, admitted in Feb. S20 deferred EA in Dec. ‘19, submitted LOCI in portal as only accepted form of follow up, eventually denied. S23 just accepted EA - yay, finally no LOCI needed!


It is deferred, Michigan just uses the word postponed. Decisions are by Apirl but they apparently respond whenever they want in Feb, March and April. No way to know when you may hear but it will be by April one way or the other.

I’ll try to commit this to memory, thank you.


Letter of Continued Interest. Some one asked the deadline for the submission of this form. It’s on the applicant’s dashboard

is 55,000 ea applications the same as last year? just out of curiosity

