UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Ugh, I hate the search function on this site. I can’t even find my own old posts. :smile:

Didn’t someone post here or somewhere else today a blog from a UIUC spokesperson or rep about the amount of deferrals this year? Or am I imagining this?

I saw that UIUC blog post but I can’t remember on which thread (and I agree that the search engine on CC is terrible).

it was on twitter


Yep, here you go! Thread by @AndyBorstUofI on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App


Spot on. You should do this for a living!!

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5 out of the 22 people in my class applied to UMich this year, out of the applicants three of us got in. The other two were postponed and aren’t going to write a LOCI (they’re planning on going to other in-state schools like msu or hope college).

Normally everyone who applies to UMich from my school gets in except for like one kid so I suppose this was a bit different, but my graduating class is way smaller than classes before.

Our valedictorian was postponed which was a surprise… she has a 4.0 but didn’t score high on the SAT, had great ECs and was captain of several teams and president of NHS. I read and edited her essays and they were great so I’m honestly not sure what could’ve gone wrong (I don’t think it was yield protection because she wasn’t particularly above anyone…) I don’t know how I got in over her, being fourth in the class but maybe other things stood out particularly

@sushiritto it was posted on this thread probably 500 or so posts back… Good luck finding it unless the poster reads this… Maybe on the UIUC website?

Interesting — I am telling you my guess is that the accepted number to date is 1,000 k + below the normal at this point. But I think these guys are smart and have some data that says they can close the gap quickly with higher probability kids after LOCI or something. They have a hunch.


No clue but it just seems that more applications=to more deferrals for some reason this year. I am just guessing but the rejection rate at some schools seemed to be high also just a quick observation. Some “safeties” don’t seem so safe anymore. We saw this like 4 years ago also to some extent. Again, just a quick observation not any facts.

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@momofboiler1 can you elaborate what your seeing about deferrals and rejections this EA/RD period at other schools? Thx.

I also think the overall EA numbers for every school are up massively. And we know that the ED buckets often have a lot of kids trying to reach. UVA is even on rebuts saying their EA bucket is often stronger than ED.

So if you put those thoughts together, I wonder if some smart AO boss looked at the stack of EAs and said “Are these really the best kids?” “Maybe we wait and take a look at the RD pile as well.”

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This was the first year I remember Purdue deferring in EA Usually they either admit or reject so that’s a big change. I’m reading lots of posts of parents saying their kids were deferred from other big 10 schools too, mostly in engineering or CS.

I think TO has something to do with it. Will be interesting to see what happens in RD.

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allegedly, I do! :joy: Although some days it feels like I know absolutely nothing and am sitting at a roulette wheel!

Interesting that you heard about an increase in deferrals. At my son’s school (fairly well known private school in Westchester County), I would say we saw an increase in denials outright from the most selective schools and a decrease in deferrals. I am speaking predominantly in Ivies, but to the point of this forum, of those students rejected from Ivies, most also applied EA to Michigan, and those were the students who were postponed while the students with slightly less impressive academic records (although still strong on a relative basis) and those who had strong legacy ties were the ones admitted last week.

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I’m positive that this happens every year at Michigan and other colleges with EA. They always want to get a look at the RD pool along side the deferred EA pool.

But as I mentioned upstream here, I think a 2/1 RD applicant has to be clear in their intentions to matriculate, and a clear winner in terms of their application to Michigan, in order to be chosen over an EA deferred applicant, because they had an additional 3 months to think and work on their app.


According to Michigan, legacy status is not used in Michigan admissions any longer and hasn’t been for several years. Plenty of legacies have been denied admission on this forum over the past few years.

Additionally, at least on this forum, the stats of the accepted have been > than the stats of the postponed. I posted those stats upstream.

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The mood of the person and personality of the person reading your application
Institutional needs
First generation
Exceptional life story

So many factors other than scores and GPAs and ECs

Everyone at my daughter’s nationally ranked HS in MA thought that Harvard would be lucky to have her.
International level athlete, all APs like BC Calc, Physics C, Music theory and many more with 5s only
International 1st place in Science competition against 40 countries.
Leadership positions and all American athlete
Perfect GPA
Perfect test scores.

The reason I’m writing this is we also thought that she is exceptionally positioned to get into ivies.

But she had those opportunities she had two highly educated parents and resources to travel and compete internationally
Get good scores because she didn’t have to work to support her family
Her current roommate at UMich got into 5 or 6 ivies. When we heard her story we realized how privileged we are!
Her GPA and scores were way lower than my daughter.

And my daughter did not have what Harvard was looking for, they thought that Harvard was not the right fit for her and she was not the right fit for Harvard.
And boy they were right! She is thriving at UMich….

She may not have gone where She intended to go, but I think She has ended up where She needed to be.

So if there are 5 spots and 50 good candidates 45 will be rejected it’s what it is!

But everyone will find there place, find their future spouses, best friends………destiny


In the class of 2025 from my sons school we had 5 applications and 4 accepts. This year we had 8 applications and 1 accept and 7 postpone. Public school in PA


In the case of Michigan, someone posted (from an AO email) that the # of EA apps this year was 53,000. And last year, Michigan had about 55,000 EA apps. So, roughly the same for Michigan.

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I am not debating that, and I do agree that legacy is less important even at schools that DO acknowledge that it is a factor. However, in the spirit of sharing observations on this year’s trends, I would say that across the board for early (ED and EA) acceptances in my son’s school’s case, it is primarily those with a hook (including legacy, but also donors, those with coach support who are not necessarily “committed”, etc.) who received positive news early and most others received either increased denials for Ivies and increased deferrals in Michigan’s case specifically. Perhaps it is coincidence, and perhaps there are those in admissions who still “subconsciously” factor legacy in to some degree. . . .

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