UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

I did allow them to forward my info to Flint and Dearborn when I applied, but I never received anything like a portal or a letter of acceptance from them.

I’m not pointing out anything that everyone here doesn’t already know, but with LSA at Michigan, they advertise that they have 45 (LSA only) programs in the Top 10 in the US. And many programs, math for example, are just outside the Top 10. So, whichever major and minor, if she so chooses to minor, will be an incredibly strong academic program.

And there’s the experience of attending a football game on Saturday afternoon or evening with 111,000 fans, which NEU will not be able match. But she may not be a sports fan either. My D happens to be a HUGE sports fan.

Now Ann Arbor is NOT Boston either.

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We just got Dearborn’s acceptance yesterday and then the unique id request today so be looking for your acceptance(s)!

Speaking of hidden gems

My D in LSA has taken a few undergraduate classes at the School of Social Work, which magically has the #1 graduate ranking in the US.

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This uniqname stuff only applies to Dearborn and Flint? Not to Ann Arbor?

It’s not a new program:

Sport Management Immersion Program | School of Kinesiology(January,terms%20of%20their%20first%20year.

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Seeking advice from the experts here : any experience or opinions about the Living learning communities in particular MRADS ( research focused ) and MCSP( service oriented ) ?

The last part is quite relevant to DD22.

A month ago, before she was accepted by NEU, and had IU Kelley in her pocket, she was quite eager to enroll in LSA for CS and economics. Good thing we have some time before she decides.

Is this EA deferred or RD?

Yes, yes, yes, a million times yes. Before I semi-retired, I used to say this to every parent whose children were considering what to study in college to be “attractive” to those in my field (not financial services, lol)- study the soft skills. You will learn through experience much of what a business school teaches you. Yes, you’ll have a head start and yes much of what you’re learning will be initially valuable to an employer. But a more rounded candidate, who possesses soft skills, is huge. I loved hiring English majors, History majors, and especially Math majors. The English could WRITE (what an underrated skill), the history saw situations differently, and math is obviously helpful.

Of course, my D is set on Ross if she goes UM lol. But, UM LSA also provides something else that lots on this board recognize as well. Network. You cannot walk into a boardroom these days, announce “Go Blue” and not get at least a handful of nods or thumbs up.

So yes, soft skills and network. It’s funny- my niece is at Vandy, which doesn’t offer a business major. But they offer a major called Human and Organizational Development. The story goes that they approached Fortune 50 companies about 15 years ago and asked what they were looking for in ideal candidates, and then created a major that taught those soft skills. It’s essentially psychology, economics, and management skills rolled into one.


That sounds brutal. :man_facepalming:

Our college counselors are meeting with Michigan to review candidates. Some kids accepted may have ED’d to another school or accepted other offers. They tend to admit the same amount of kids from our school and seem to want to know who will commit so I added my DD to the list as it is her first choice. It looks like they are playing the yield game.


Regarding the big question of “will there be waves?”, this is the exact wording on the portal:

Early April: Latest expected date for release of admission decisions

So, all the word parsers out there - how do you interpret that? Does “latest” imply there will be multiple releases with early April being the last?

I think it’s an interesting choice of words because for EA they simply said “decisions will be available by late Jan”.

100 percent! The soft skills are hugely important and the value of the network is tremendous.

And funny, my daughter is at Vandy!

Yep. Been in the works. They moved school of Information there like last year or before. Michigan is NOT afraid to use their money. Many new building went up in the last year or two. All state of the art etc.etc. Definitely one of the things you are paying for. Most of their facilities are top notch.

I applied to Ann Arbor and got deferred

 I don’t think they offer deferral for RD

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Thank you!

(And congratulations on the acceptance)

Thank you for paying attention :wink:. LSA degree /economics with a minor or two or certificate. Your golden. The Michigan alumni thing is real and alive and well . It’s an international brand. Wear some Michigan garb and we or my son have been stopped by alumni or people fans overseas like every time.

If I was an LSA person but really wanted business there is no reason you can’t call admission and talk to someone about your goals and possibilities. That is what I would do. Every type of company comes to campus to snatch the lsa kids up. There is a reason for that.

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