UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Is there any data (either officially or from CC) that indicates if there’s a different acceptance rate for EA postponed vs RD applicants?

That would be so out of line to what they have historically done. But understand what your saying.

postponed means deferred right?


@westchesterdad22 Umich has also offers organizational studies Organizational Studies | U-M LSA

Another hidden gem.

It never ends, but you don’t need to be convinced.

Michigan has a national reputation. There are Michigan alum everywhere. We were just at the Orange Bowl and I would say the stadium was 2/3 Mich 1/3 UGA and Athens is a lot closer to Miami than AA.

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Let’s assume the EA deferred pool and 2/1 RD pool don’t hear a decision until early April, how many of you, applicants and parents of applicants, will be so mad at Michigan that you’ve received every other college’s decision, but one? Michigan.

Even in past years with 3 RD waves, people were PO’ed at the process.

It’s a rhetorical question, but if one wave in early April is their game plan, good luck with their yield on the remaining 50,000-60,000 +/- apps remaining. :man_facepalming:

Families have to plan admitted student days and such. Book flights, etc.


@sushiritto So then basically - if we hear from LSA next Friday (2/18) then there are waves. If not, then we wait for 3/18. If nothing still, then wait for early April.

@Goose15 I see your logic of passing it from LSA to Ross while keeping us in the dark.

Yes, that is exactly what DD22 said. Internal LSA to Ross pipeline.


While RD releases on those dates, which are the officially confirmed Ross BBA decision release dates, my thoughts are leaning towards Fridays on or around 3/1 and 4/1. But I’ve been wrong before and I may be wrong again. A poster has spoken the admissions office and was told that there’s just one release wave and that wave will occur in early April.

If true, then these “secret” Ross acceptances, RD apps, will be notified by the home school the 1st week of April and then accepted to Ross on 4/15. And then have two weeks to SIR (Statement of Intent to Register or accept the Ross offer).

It’s possible, but pretty tight for business school applicants deciding between various business schools like Stern, Kelly, etc. Many applicants just want to be done with the process by 4/1.

Right, as I said - I think there will be non-Ross acceptances 2/18.

Exactly. I won’t be mad, but it may take them out of the running. We haven’t visited because we live too far away and I told my son if he gets in we can visit. At that point, he may have decided on another school.


How many Ross applicants could be in the EA acceptance from January 28?

I get that they don’t have problems filling their classes but I’ve gotta think they will lose lots of good students if they don’t release decisions until April. Definitely a big turnoff. Heck, even Ivy Day is supposed to be 3/31 this year.


Hoping for waves of releases! DD postponed. Deferred from her ED, deferred from NU, rejected from UNC, and accepted to UVA (phew!). Keeping an eye on this thread for all the good info! :slight_smile:


When I mentioned to my daughter on Tuesday that it’s possible UMich might do just one decision release, and that too in early April she was pretty upset. She’ll have heard from all her deferred + RD schools by late March and she says as much as she likes UMich, she may end up selecting another school by the time “early April” comes around.

So I really hope they’ll release decisions sooner.


That’s my thinking because in my opinion, it sets the tone for how I may be treated when I get there. Perhaps they’re just too large to care about me and give me consideration. I dont want to be just one number in a herd of cattle


Yes, good point - and something I’m a bit concerned about seeing how they’ve handled their communications and interactions with applicants.

UMich certainly has a lot in its favor - strong academics, highly ranked programs, respected brand name, supportive alumni network, etc. Lots of good stuff, and all a part of my D’s decision to apply. But - their making applicants wait on edge by not setting a firm EA decision date, providing conflicting responses to those who call in, and now causing uncertainty with RD decision dates, does make me concerned about how they treat students.

I hope I’m wrong though (and yes I’m fully expecting the loyalists here to flame me for even suggesting anything remotely negative about UMich :rofl:). Maybe it’s just the admissions office that isn’t particularly concerned with treating applicants well; and the rest of the university is fine.


Well most RD schools will release late March, but early April is too late, I agree.

Agree! We would have heard from all her schools and visited few by this time This has gone down her list as well.