UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Well, but that’s UM, right? Again, we have a LOT of family who are alum and while extolling the virtues of most things UM the fact that you are a singular tiny member of an amazingly large community is one of the negatives (while acting simulaneously as a positive once out in the world).

I honestly think they’re just overwhelmed by sheer numbers. The fact that they do actively yield protect has likely made their jobs even harder as applications have blown up.

I 100% agree that delaying all decisions until April is going to result in MANY students simply moving on. Mine undoubtedly will. These students want so badly to fall in love- and know- where they’re going that for most qualified candidates they’re going to have options. Yes, what will at that time seem like a back door acceptance might sway some kids (especially those who have ties to the school in some form), but for many it is going to be a yawn and a “too late”. Almost every meaningful state school will have already provided notice well in advance, and every selective private will have as well.

Which leads me to believe that we have one singular data point of someone being told information that would be objectively harmful to admissions. I don’t buy it. Can’t imagine how many people are working phones in admissions, and I would think many of them are not paying much attention to the actual wording of their conversations. One slip, or one word stated before or after another word leads to a whole different meaning.


Agree, I think that’s just the party line, and decisions will come out sooner.

:+1:t3: Thanks @westchesterdad22. That’s a very reasonable and objective observation.

I agree with your assessment regarding decisions.


Different things I’ve read - maybe someone here can munge into a cohesive theory.

10% of LSA applicants want Ross (I assume miniscule COE).

Michigan fills half of its classes with EA accepts. Assume even across faculties.

Ross makes ~900 offers for a final class of ~500. 60/40 M:F enrolled.

There is yield management, opaque though it might be to us. On FB, an OOS valedictorian from Florida was denied Ross (in EA) but RD Duke, which is arguably more of a target for WS/Finance.

Sounds right. Even I think there could be like 600 Ross apps to review out of the acceptance of January 28?

If they do release decisions on a single day either very late March or early Apr what’s the big deal? Ivy’s and many others (non Ivy) do it then too. This year ( and last) can’t be compared to typical pre-pandemic admissions cycles.


It sounds possible based on multiple inputs that they will only have one RD date, but I would be shocked if the notification date were beyond Ivy day.

Single release is not a problem. But if they do it in “early April”, after pretty much all other schools are done - then they are going to lose a lot of quality candidates. That’s the issue.

Not sure why students (and parents) feel entitled to an earlier decision than early April. Michigan never promised (or even represented when called and pressed for answers) early release dates for RD. SMH at the comments here - and all the talk about the elite schools their kids go to and the shock that Michigan and other schools postponed, deferred or rejected their kids. Reading this thread is like watching a train wreck, I find I cannot turn away from the horror of all the elitist attitudes and entitlement! We all knew how difficult this process was going to be and how competitive it is. Layer a pandemic on top of that. And still people are amazed when their perfect superstar child doesn’t get something that wasn’t promised in the first place, or that they might have to actually wait until the represented release date!


But Michigan doesn’t care because they will have enough quality candidates to fill their ranks no matter who walks away.

I asked the question.
He kept on repeating that it will come out sometime before early April. So I asked him if it means that we could receive the decision like next week since it’s sometime before April. Then, he said that it might be possible that it might come out sometime in early March, but it’s very unlikely.

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Not sure why you think anyone is feeling entitled. There are also a lot of other unjustified assumptions in your post, but I’ll pass on responding to those.

We are merely making an observation - that an early April date will cause a lot of kids to drop UMich. You can say that’s perfectly fine with UMich as they will have plenty of applicants to pick from, and that’s fair. The two statements aren’t mutually exclusive.


Sure. There are at least 5 Ross applicants here on this thread who have received LSA offers. There could easily be 600 Ross apps to look at before 2/18.

They were always going to lose the OOS candidates to the private T20s anyway.

So they need maybe 9 to 10 minutes per app to review 600 apps in 14 or 15 business days👍

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There are dozens of comments on this thread about the “elite” school the child goes to and the shock that DD or DS was postponed. There are also dozens of comments about how if Michigan does not notify until early April, their DD or DS will lose interest or that it will reflect poorly on Michigan, how their student is just cattle, not being treated well compared to other schools. I don’t really care if you think my assumptions were unjustified, I just think that this thread is full of parents who are not letting the process unfold the way it unfolds. There is no Michigan conspiracy, I am positive that admissions is doing everything in a way that best suits the University, and with 80,000+ applications, and God knows how many factors to consider in bringing in a class of students, Michigan is doing everything they can to get through this application process.


Not sure why they would lose any quality candidates. If a candidate gets into several places and their release dates are days or weeks apart they will still chose their school by comparing both. Student decisions are not due until early May.

If you really wanted to go to UMich you will chose it no matter the release date. If you really wanted to go to another school and you get in even after getting in to UMich you will go to that school.


In defense of the “elitist” attitude, Michigan charges OOS the same as private T50 schools with substantially less aid to offer. So not surprising that this demographic expects a little customer service.

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11/01/2021 (EA submissioon date) to 4/01/2022+ is a long time to wait IMO, for deferred candidates. Part of the problem is that they’ve always handled their admissions one way, multiple RD releases. Always.

Last year, also during the height of pandemic, with their 1st “late January EA release,” Michigan still had two RD releases in March, one early and one late.

And don’t forget, part of the puzzle is that deferred Ross candidates have to be accepted by their home school before potentially being admitted by Ross. As well as the schools of Kinesiology, Nursing, SMTD, Taubman, Social Work, Information, and others, which operate somewhat independently.

“I have no dog in this hunt,” so if the deferred candidates must wait until early April, then I think they’ll lose some excellent applicants. That’s all.

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That wasn’t the case for us, but that’s an anecdote of 1. :slight_smile:

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