UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

I’m possibly reading too much into the A2C subreddit which is heavy on kids needing aid.

This demographic is use to getting things and getting things when they want them. Having to wait, “suffer” through a postponment, have disappointed children, not get the answers they want when they call - it’s just mind blowing. How about use this as a teaching moment for your kids - patience, let the process run its course, weigh your options, make informed decisions. How well you wait for things is quite telling!

Michigan’s tuition is what it is - it does not mean that OOS applicants have any other access than anyone else, or any more access than what is promised. SORRY for what appears to be anger - this is not anger - it is amazement. There is just SO. MUCH. PRIVILEGE. on this thread.


That’s all great in theory, without any human emotions, but families have to plan, book hotels and flights, fall in love with their choice, etc. There’s a lot of emotion involved in picking where you will be going for 4 years.

Why wait for Michigan, if they’re not showing you the love, since you’re still waiting for them to release? It’s one thing to release late March or 4/1, but when you begin to release in “early April,” you will lose a lot of applicants, especially when your other accepted schools are sending you marketing emails about coming to campus and your friends at school are committed to XYZ university and you can’t tell them anything yet.

I’ve seen it here on CC and I’ve lived it at home with my two kids.


Thanks for asking. So you got a similar but less direct answer, pretty much same result end of day.

Oof. Wow.

Nailed it.

Thank you @sushiritto for a balanced, sensible explanation of the practicalities involved. I completely understand a lot of people are very attached to UMich and anything that sounds critical can cause negative emotions. But as you said, there’s a lot of stuff that goes into making a decision and loving UMich (or an alternate school) is only part of a larger picture.

Well said

I am not quite sure why we would be mad. While we would of course love to have a decision earlier rather than later, Michigan is not doing anything wrong in my opinion. The language used on the portal is “latest expected date” for early April. That could be late March or April 1 too. UCLA and many UC’s have April 1, USC has April 1, many others have March 31. Just because things were different in the past, it doesn’t mean that it will stay that way. Michigan gave us this year’s dates and as long as they release decisions by those dates, they are not treating us poorly. We are all part of the issue too. Applications to the top 30 schools have increased tremendously and I expect there to be more movement than in the past after May 1 as students commit and schools start using the waitlists.

Having said that, the whole college admission system is so broken and needs to be fixed. For now, I would say that those families who are waiting but still want to see the school should prepare to travel the weekend of April 9 or 16 and book accommodations that can be canceled up to 3 days before the trip. Flights are tougher, but last minutes deals can be found.


YES! Well said. Better said than my aggressive responses.

I know, I don’t mean to be so aggressive, that’s not normally who I am so I apologize for that. I just get a bit eye-rolly over the comments here.


I don’t feel entitled” to know sooner. I’m just saying that RIGHT NOW I’m being heavily woo-ed by other schools, including an ivy, and it makes me feel more wanted by them. I’ve already been given decisions from five schools (some that are BIGGER than Michigan) Why wouldn’t I choose a school that clearly WANTS me over a school that treats me luke warm? It’s just causing me to pause and think. But plz don’t insinuate that I may be entitled or elite or impatient. Im a regular middle class kid, attending a massive and ordinary public school that provides ZERO assistance in this process and I am thinking I may not want to repeat that in college. I worked HARD to get the offers I’m getting, including two part time jobs at fast food restaurants. So yea, your “entitled” comment annoys me.


Totally agree @sushiritto.
Especially during these unprecedented pandemic times, not everyone gets to visit all the schools one applied to for EA. Mostly waiting to see the results and plan visits during spring break or March time frames. Not knowing till some time in April makes it harder to plan and decide specially for OOS kids. This might be ok for instate kids I think.


Tongue in cheek - Michigan may have changed from 1990 - lots of comments here and elsewhere hint at a very affluent OOS population at Michigan.

Please use your voice, sometimes on this thread there isn’t enough student voices and this is your journey and you are entitled to have feelings about the process.


Great post @tgieske. You spoke for a lot of students in similar situations. You are all working so hard. Sad to see any of you being called elitist or entitled merely for voicing valid concerns.


do you know how? or what is said

PS I applied EA for a reason! Their site claims they’ll give us a decision earlier if we apply EA and I knew I would need it so that I could travel to see schools etc. They did NOT give me a decision…UT and TxA&M did. UM should be able to also. That’s just my opinion.


Well said! There was a lot of judgment in that post, without knowing much about the circumstances of anyone here. Good for you for thinking carefully and thoughtfully about this big decision. Good luck!


In the Common App when you select the college of your choice, under the Recommenders and FERPA section, you can see the mid-year report has been downloaded.