UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Thank you @sushiritto

Ross states the month they release has no inclination of your admissions status; if that is the case, what constitutes a decision in Feb for one student and March for another?

(Ross email)

Random luck :four_leaf_clover::crossed_fingers:

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1st mail from Michigan (LSA) rcvd yesterday. DD22 has not opened yet. Says ā€œwelcomeā€ on the outside.


@Knowsstuff thatā€™s absolutely trueā€¦ for most large public universities, itā€™s actually a breakeven proposition. While Iā€™m not suggesting $3.7mn is ā€œchump changeā€, it does barely cover the operating costs for a staff of ~25-30 (at Michigan). Further, some private schools (ie Tulane) have shifted the model to become a loss leader by not charging application fees at all (forgoing $4mn) in an effort to draw in more applicants whoā€™d otherwise not apply for several reasons (economics, geography, etc). The point is that admissions applications fees is not a significant source of revenue for most universities (ETA: it also allows them to manage/manipulate their yield better)

Do EA Admits for LSA get their decisions (Either a Rejection or an Acceptance) for Ross at 2/18? It says other possible days are 3/19 and 4/15.

Not UM, but I can say that we were on a zoom call with a large public university admin in the fall, and she absolutely acknowledged the massive positive impact that the last few application cycles have had to the bottom line. Admissions used to be a pretty big loss leader for them, and it is now quite profitable. This is a school that is maybe 2/3 the size of UM. She said ā€œitā€™s all of us- weā€™re all trying to figure out how to balance the volume while understanding itā€™s really, really good for the school.ā€ So while each school is different, I feel confident UM is seeing a very nice net positive number in this category.

People were very interested in how they were handling the volume. She said they had re-hired some retired admins and/or teachers/professors on either hourly or fixed rate basis. That their full-time staff had increased slightly, but not appreciably. Plus, the technology advancements have made it much more efficient and cost-effective.

Anyway, for what itā€™s worthā€¦UM is definitely benefitting from the overload of apps from a purely financial perspective. Said another way- at some point, hard costs are hard costs. Every addiitonal $75 app is going to be mostly profit, until enough of them force an additional hire (at which point only the margin of profit would be impacted).

Others may have more detailed information, but a few months of stalking this thread (lol) tells me that it is random. Your LSA admit has been furnished to Ross, and all you are guaranteed is that youā€™ll receive a decision on one of their listed dates. Others may be better able to comment on whether or not the early rounds mean higher acceptance rates, or whether EA acceptance positions you better for Ross (it SEEMS like it should, but there doesnā€™t seem to be any data confirming).

Iā€™ve been reading Reddit/a2c threads from previous years. OOS EA admits tend to be strong students. More often than not, they do get into Ross. When I follow post history of a successful OOS EA Ross applicant, often (Iā€™d say 50%) they donā€™t end up at Ross because they have other options come RD. Applicants have picked Berkeley, Cornell, NYU over Ross.

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let us know what it says when she opens!

Was she accepted EA? If so, could be here welcome letter etc.

Yes, most schools are ā€œbenefittingā€ from the overload of apps, and your synopsis of the school re-hiring retired admins or other hourly/seasonal staff (keeping fixed costs low) illustrates that the revenue / expense ratio is somewhat linear with very few opportunities to increase margin. Itā€™s still a very people-intensive process that requires a set of eyes. Iā€™d still argue that most large universities are not focused an incremental $1mn in revenue (on a base of $200mn) at the expense of their brand or larger institutional goals. Smaller ones are a different story

For senior class of 2020, the only people to get into ROSS from our high school were the kids who got into Michigan first round. They found out their acceptance to ROSS on the first decision date.

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Itā€™s a desirable side gig for some, as they can parlay it into lucrative college admissions counseling.


Hey @nyc10023. Was your daughter accepted during EA?

Yes. This is the 1st printed communications she has received from UM.

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Itā€™s just a paper copy of the acceptance letter. My DD received it yesterday as well.

Your DD has an exemplary record, I am sure she will get a Ross acceptance.

So, just a letter? No swag? :grinning: