UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

We don’t know how many were deferred, but I’d take a guess and say maybe 70% +/- or somewhere around 35,000-40,000 applicants.

How many of those deferred applicants versus the “2/1 RD” crowd will hear in the first (maybe only?) wave is not known.

Thank you!

How do you know that answers are coming on Friday? Was that communicated to you or is it a rumor?

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No one here knows when the first wave of RD decisions is coming. Everything posted here is rumor and speculation.

ETA: We do know for sure, with official confirmation from Ross BBA, that Ross BBA will have their 1st wave of decisions this Friday 2/18. That we know.


Well, if it’s the only wave, I think we know :slight_smile:

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Thanks for this and your good wishes. All the best for both your girls!

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It’s like a Bronx Science or Stuyvesant, I suppose - many of the public test in schools in NYC have that many, though admissions policies are changing so it will be interesting to see. We hear rumors that those schools have like 100 kids apply to Michigan and they all get “postponed” to see who really wants to go. How many applied from your child’s school?

FYI - a little off topic, but hope it’s ok - our suburban NY school has 3 NMSFs (I assume NMF) and had maybe 7 Commended Scholars. The class is 125. The prior year, I believe there were also 3 NMF. These are similar numbers to our surrounding towns. The PSAT was offered, and the majority attended, but a few did not. 30 kids applied EA to Michigan. 2 got in. Neither were the NMFs, though one was a Commended Scholar. And I know for sure one who got postponed didn’t take the PSAT or SAT at all - the family was very COVID safe.

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Not sure how many apply. only one get in. My son is postponed.
but he is in NU and few others.

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45 applied NU this year. and UMich was 20+ last year.

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My kid who was postponed at Michigan, got stickers from Purdue and Binghamton. Case Western, his only private acceptance, sent a deck of cards about Cleveland, a sling back, and a name badge (but that might be for our scheduled visit on an admitted student’s day).


I am just laughing here about the stickers and stuff :rofl:. Trust me if your kids join clubs /activities at Michigan they will have more gear that they will know what to do with… They won’t be lacking Michigan stuff :wink:.

Just a generic acceptance letter.


Has anyone received any merit scholarship information? Or does anyone know when are these sent out / if any?

My kid (also postponed at Michigan) didn’t get stickers from Binghamton…either that or she quickly disposed of them since they were not from Michigan…

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Haha no Binghamton stickers for my DD either. Oh well!

DD22 withdrew Binghamton over the weekend, feel sad about it.

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Only three applied from their school that they know of, other two postponed. Unlike others here, in our case, UM let the highest stats kid in. :woman_shrugging:t2:

Looks like Thomas Jefferson may possibly hold the record for most NMFs with 144. I can’t imagine what the academic culture there would look like!

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I graduated from Binghamton and know there is no chance my daughter is going there even if she doesn’t get into Michigan. I tried bribing her with the money I would be saving from going to a state university in NY and that didn’t work either…my kids want the big rah rah schools outside of NY…


She got into the PWC scholars program which looks really good. Group of 25 kids who are all gainfully employed by the looks of their Instagram page at graduation.

My daughter is friends with a few kids from the list (Thomas Jefferson), they are STS regeneron finalists, MOPpers and Olympians mostly. We are bayarea based but she got connected to them through some competitions and STEM organizations. Highly STEM driven and academic but they also have lot of social life looks like (according to this friend of my D).

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