UMich Ann Arbor Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

thank you sm panda ily <3

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has anyone tried the live chatting to ask them?

Youā€™ll simply get their standard answer ā€œby early Aprilā€

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hopefully will be in two days :pray: :four_leaf_clover: :pray:

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So, thought Iā€™d share what my daughter heard from her AO. She asked if she could provide information additional to the EOCI to strengthen her app. She was told they wouldnā€™t have time to review additional information so no need to submit. Sounds like they just have a huge volume to get through. They also gave the standard by early April so no new information there.

what was included in it?

Sorry was a discussion about UVA acceptance, just to be clear. A packet from UVA with a letter and brochure and stickers. She was deferred from Michigan.

Soā€¦I tend to disagree. I actually think it levels the playing field a bit. You are judged against your peers. Realistically, if the threshold is lower in some states those students are likely being taught at an inferior level to those in the higher stat states. I believe, unlike others, it is an inherently more fair system.

We were in an admissions session at Northwestern with our older S a few years back. The AO went around the room asking for hometowns. One girls stated she was from Wyoming. The AO joked that she was in the wrong room- she should be touring with admitted students.

Does UM care? I donā€™t know. I gather they do to some extent- that is, if thereā€™s a way to report it somehow on their common data sets or likewise. NMS is a much more even playing field than GPA in my opinion. Our D is a commended scholar, and would be NMSF in over 40 states. But she should rightfully be judged directly against her peersā€¦


Not arguing about state specific thresholds - but IMHO, NMS isnā€™t a better benchmark than GPA.

  • GPA is a cumulative metric that reflects a longer time period whereas NMS is a reflection of a point in time
  • GPA is broken by semester showing student growth and maturity during their high school journey.
  • GPA can be bench-marked within a high school, whereas NMS is bench-marked to state
  • A high school is a more homogeneous microcosm than an entire state; so GPA reflects a more level playing field
  • One last thing - many school districts did not even conduct PSAT10. So those applicants wont have NMS or other distinctions. Evaluating GPA for these students in the context of their high school is a far better approach
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IF there are decisions released Friday is there a specific time to check the portal?

Ross BBA will release decisions at 5:00 PM EST.

If thereā€™s an RD wave, then 3:00 PM EST is a good time. However, in years past, there have some wacky release times, like between 9:00 PM EST and Midnight EST on a Thursday night. Though that hasnā€™t happened in a few years.


It seems UMichā€™s process this year is more like last yearā€™s, rather than like those of years prior?

If so then we should not expect RD/deferred EA decisions this Friday, but instead expect it on March 4th. Yes?

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If you subscribe to the ā€œmore than one RD waveā€ theory, then probably, yes.

Also, no one here has posted any ā€œglitchesā€ with the portal and itā€™s Wednesday already.

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Well, now that you mention it, S22ā€™s applicant self service page (the one you get to when you click New and Prospective Student Business in Wolverine Access) now has 7 tiles and I could have sworn that it used to be 6. I think the new one is either Personalize Home Page, Self Service Help or Residency Status. But, maybe Iā€™m misremembering.

Iā€™m doubtful it is this weekend. My vote is for March 4th for one wave to also help out possible extra Ross candidates.

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Changes in the portal happen about a few hours to day before. So if people start to notice things change that is good. Also no mention of Monday maintence.

But, Ross will come out so all of this can be dependent just for Ross students also.

Regardless there will be the Ross releases so some people here will know what their next moves are.

Iā€™m bearish on Friday. I think last year will likely be a much better guide than prior years. Just hoping that there ARE waves as opposed to delaying into a single release. Single release would likely knock UM off of Dā€™s mantle, both for difficulty for eventual Ross acceptance as well as the fact she may have other options that sheā€™s fallen in love with by then and ā€œmoved onā€ from the stress of ā€œwill they or wonā€™t theyā€ UM rounds.

Yes an April timeline does put a damper on things and not a lot of time to finalize plans. Also, miss out on all the EA campus events that are happening. Crazy times.

Will (hopefully) make for a busy April visiting schools before the May 1 deadline. Iā€™m hopeful we have options, but does kinda compress the timeline.

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