Hello, I’m very new to this website. Please forgive me for any mistakes I make trying to post this. I am a current sophomore at my local community college. I have a 3.72 gpa with MTA courses. I plan to apply to start as a junior in fall 2020. The highest gpa possible, for me to apply with is a 3.84 (if I 4.0 this semester). I’m looking to transfer in LSA as an environmental science major. If I don’t have the credits necessary for junior status, my high school gpa was 3.5 and ACT 30, SAT 1340. I’m not involved in any clubs or sports here. I do work year round. I can answer any other questions if I’m missing any important information. Please let me know what you think my chances are.
Wait till you have junior status. How close are you?
Make an appointment now to discuss “if” all your classes actually do transfer. Michigan is hard for some to transfer their classes to5.
If your local to Michigan they have transfer Tuesdays that they actually will review all your classes with you and advice you what to do.
I’ve actually already been to a transfer tuesday event. I had my credits evaluated and I will have at least 30 by the time I apply, and 45+ total before fall 2020 (planning on at least 50, counting my winter and spring semesters). I met with an adviser who helped me plan out my next fall, winter, and spring schedules. My credits will transfer, according to what she said.
You need 55 for junior standing…and only up to 60 (62 if you have an associate degree) will transfer. What was the advice of the counselor? Maybe plan to transfer the following semester?
I cannot transfer the following semester, unfortunately. The counselor did not emphasize waiting to apply until I reached junior status. There is certainly a possibility that I could transfer fall 2020 with 55 credits. I just don’t know if they would want me to have more completed, rather than 25 planned.
Hello everyone. Please chance me!
I am a freshman in University and thinking of transferring for Fall 2020, however, my SAT score is 1070. I had a 3.95 GPA in high school and have a 3.8 GPA currently. I have 60+ credits done. I am really involved in school and I think I my essays will be strong hopefully. Do I have a chance of getting in with my high school SAT score? Or should I apply to transfer next year when I have more college coursework done so that more emphasis can be placed on my college coursework rather than highschool background?
Any help is appreciated!!
First you need to see how many of the 60 credits will transfer. Michigan is very tough on science and math. If 60 credits then you are considered a junior standing by Michigan and they won’t look at your high school record.
Look up the transfer page on their website and they outline more.