UMich Ann Arbor

I am currently a freshman at CWRU and am in the process of applying to UMich LSA as a transfer student for this year. I have a strong interest in the CMBS program (but I probably won’t do the MSE) at UMich, so could someone provide me with information regarding the process of declaring CMBS as my major? I’ve heard that the admission for this program is quite competitive. Is it simply a matter of meeting the pre-requisites to gain entry?

Also, will it still be possible for me to transfer into CoE BME from LSA during my junior year?

Talk to the transfer office to make sure your credits will transfer. Michigan is very picky about science and math.

Also your chance of transferring as a junior is usually better then a sophomore. They will use your high school record as a sophomore transfer.

Meeting the criteria just means your capable. It doesn’t mean at all that your accepted. Take the essay seriously.

Michigan is usually easy about transferring to another major but talk to them first. That could change as a transfer. Think you have to be in your major for at least one semester.

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