UMich Deferral Class of 2025

Sorry this is so long winded!!!

Chance we see a wave this friday? Last friday of the month.

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What you described is what happened with my D’s LOCI and “Verify Continued Interest” form; it was there and visible under the 20th and then it disappeared.

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Before I wrote my LOCI, I was able to contact a professor from Umich and discuss his research. Should I have mentioned that in the LOCI?

I mean it probably wouldn’t have hurt but the LOCI is not a big determining factor so don’t stress about it too much

Gosh this is really getting down to the wire. Our Senior was postponed, and we feel the April 1 commit date breathing down our necks at other schools. He’s really very seriously interested in Michigan, but this weird admissions process is kind of a turn-off.
800 + 800 subject tests
DS- 4.6W/4.0uw, 17 APs
Class president10, 11, 12
Expected valedictorian
Team captain etc etc
He submitted the continued interest form.

sounds like he’s in good company with so many sharp kids in the postponed category. We are open to any perspective or tips!


The commit date at other schools is May 1, or for some (like Ivy League) it’s May 3, not April 1, so you still have plenty of time. Hang in there! Many of us are in the same boat.


When do the waves come out?

Has anyone heard of they are releasing a wave today? If the next Ross wave comes out 3/19 wouldn’t another release wave of regular acceptances have to come out first?


I really hope there is. I feel like there has to be one before the next Ross date.


fingers crossed there will be


My senior has similar credentials and has been postponed/waitlisted at competitive public schools. We only applied EA at non-binding institutions. Fortunately, he received a likely letter from an Ivy which took all of the pressure off (vs. the EA to the safety school). Michigan is still on the radar but with love coming from elsewhere, the psychology of waiting is dropping it down the list. I think all of the large schools are in a similar position, so many extra applications at all levels, and difficulty in predicting yield.


Relax. Your son is surely going to get admitted, and probably before May 1st. A few years ago, a friend’s son with similarly stellar credentials got deferred, was furious (and in my opinion, rightly so), and finally was admitted - but meanwhile, a T20 private U gave him a huge merit award, and he wound up going there instead. Don’t worry. With stats like that, your son is going to wind up with some excellent choices.


@sevenbabies My daughter has similar credentials, and was also postponed (1570, 800/790 subject tests, 4.0/4.76 GPA, 13 APs, NMF, etc). She decided not to submit the LOCI, however. Her HAIL interview is this weekend.

My daughter was accepted today–after 3 pm eastern. OOS LSA.


Why spend the time doing the HAIL interview, but not a short reply to the continued interest form?

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@danloeb you would have to ask her. As her parent I urged her to write it but she never got around to it. She had signed up for HAIL interview before LOCI was due so she is going ahead with it.

Maybe no one finds this interesting but the University of Michigan DID NOT report their Common Data set for the 20-21 school year. This report details the number of students accepted, differed, those who got off of the waitlists and gpa’s and SAT/ACT scores…Perhpas I think they went down last year due to COVID and are hiding that fact. So if you are deferred and in the range of 3.70 UW go for it and submit any updates, LOCI’s, additional recs anything that shows you would accept them if offered a spot!! Just my opinion, but there are many students who are NOT happy there now as they are NOT in class and they will promise things for the fall to get football on the field but they will not be fully open and in person.

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Not the CDS for 20-21, but they have posted the admission profile for this class:

Why won’t they be open? So many other schools are open. My older son is at FSU and they announced Summer will be fully open.