I will be a freshman pursuing computer science next year. I took a couple of programming courses through dual enrollment that will give me credits for Engr 101. I was wondering if someone can get transfer credits for Engr 101 to LSA (or is it only for COE?). I will still take EECS 183 my freshman year.
I am not sure if you can double count credits like that: 101 and 183 are considered courses of the same level- please check with academic advising, however.
@yikesyikesyikes Yea, I just searched it and it said “Credit is granted for only one course among EECS 183 or ENGR 101.” I think I’m going to choose to not transfer the credit for Engr 101 (If I do transfer it, can I still take EECS 183?). I want to take EECS 183 because I’m not that confident with my programming abilities to move into EECS 280 first semester.
You might be able to take EECS 183 without credit- check with academic advising. I took EECS 183, and I have several friends who took ENGR 101- the general consensus is that EECS 183 prepares you better for EECS 280, as it is largely C++ based (although python is taught as well) while ENGR has MATLAB occupying a large portion of the curriculum along with C++. Also, EECS 183 has an awesome final project at the end, which can introduce to even more programmign languages and lead you to deeply apply your skills in a very open-ended project. I have also heard that EECS 183 is more difficult than ENGR 101. Keep in mind you also have the option of taking ENGR 151 if you think you have enough prior programming experience. It is a tougher introduction to CS (read: a very tough class), but it prepares you really well for EECS 280 from what I have heard. Someone please correct me if I have misstated anything- I am still a newbie in EECS.
@yikesyikesyikes Would I be able to take ENGR 151 if I am not in the College of Engineering?
I am not completely sure- I have heard of Engineers opting for EECS 183 instead of ENGR 101 by jumping through some hoops- you might be able to do the opposite (with 151)- communicate with academic advising.
Also, you can use this to gauge course difficulty in the EECS program:
If you are not admitted to CoE, your transfer credits will follow the LSA policy. You may ask the Registration Office. My guess would be giving you credits for EECS183 which is the ENGR101 equivalent in LSA. If you do transfer to CoE later on, the EECS183 credits would fulfill the ENGR101 requirement.
Engr 101 will count as fulfilling the requirement for EECS 183/engr 101, but if you really want to do a computer science major I would not count on transfer credits for that. It is important that you take all CS classes at UM if that is your intended concentration.
@umcoe16 If the requirement for EECS 183 is fulfilled by transferring engr 101, can I still take EECS 183 for a grade?
@AcceptableName you should be able to request that they drop the transfer credit. I’m not saying that the department makes it a requirement for all CS majors to take EECS 183/engr 101 at UM, but because of potential differences in rigor it is in your best interest to.
You can forfeit your transfer credits by retaking the class.