UMich Fall 2023 Transfer Thread

okay so i got rejected and what it said was because I don’t have enough credits LOL
hoping I can get in in the next time then :000000

Applied 2/1 at like 10 pm
Checklist complete immediately (Third time applying, so I knew my way around the portal)
63 credits, college gpa 3.17 I think with upward trend, applying from an in-state CC
mid ec’s
great essays apparently?? I am incredibly uninteresting
white male no legacy no sports recruitment
accepted to LSA today @ 11 am ish for Cognitive Science (first choice)

This reads like a lie and it still feels unreal to me that I got in




So sorry. You’ll get in next cycle! How many credits did you have?

May I ask when your checklist was completed?

Happy March… we’re getting closer

My withdrawal button disappeared two hours ago, they’re killing me hahaha


good luck!

i applied on 1/31/23 checklist was complete on 2/6/23. still waiting to hear back! this wait is killing me lol

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My checklist was done mid Jan, I’m losing my mind waiting too

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i couldn’t imagine! i wonder how they decide which application to review

I’m so so curious what their process is like

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Doesn’t each individual college review transfer apps? Did you both apply to the same college?

After the three longest hours of my life following the disappearance of the withdraw button, I got in! I believe my checklist was complete around 2/7 and I submitted 2/1 LSA. After checking this thread 100x a day for the last three weeks I really hope that you guys receive good news soon🙏



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congrats! i applied to LSA too. are you a freshman this year of sophomore?

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Do decisions come out at random points of the day or will it always be either morning or 2pm ish?

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