UMich Fall 2023 Transfer Thread


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My son’s came at 5 PM so I think it is random


U of M Transfer:
GPA: 3.68 Average
SAT: 1050
Credits: 69
Status: Accepted and Admitted
Side note, I’m an anomaly

after this sem i have 40, which is not that many.
i think I’m going to take summer courses

Call the transfer office and talk to them about your credits. Some applicants up thread were rejected and told it was because they had too many credits. Not sure what the sweet number is – it seems to vary so I would go straight to the source before you invest time and money this summer. Good luck!

in the application portal, under the tab that says “application status”, is it supposed to say “Checklist Complete: All Required Admissions Materials Received”, or something else? im hoping everyone whose waiting (including me lol) hears back soon!

eastern time ?

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Yeah that’s correct

Everybody who is still waiting go check those withdrawal buttons!

I just did 2 min ago😭

I feel like I can’t breathe.

Same here. It’s been like this for a month now lol. But we got this!

I check every 2 minutes help

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y’all my withdraw button disappeared at 12:20pm. i can’t focus on anything right now


AH! Good luck!!!


i am so nervous i hope it comes soon :rofl: and thank you! hope for the best, prepare for the worst is my motto right now lol


Good luck! When did you complete checklist?


i applied on 1/31/23, checklist completed on 2/6. i would be an incoming sophomore so chances are low, but there is still a chance! my withdraw button disappeared around 12:20ish, still waiting


I get the feeling that I’m going to be the absolute last person to hear back

Did you fill out your scholarship profile already?

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