UMich Fall 2023 Transfer Thread

I’m still waiting but I’m stamps do

My son is still waiting for his decision. He applied on 1/31 and application was complete on 2/6. I’m hoping to get an answer soon!

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Didn’t get in. was anyone’s rejection letter different from this: “Regretfully, at this time we feel that the University of Michigan is not an appropriate match for your unique credentials and academic achievements” ?

I think that’s the standard rejection letter

Still waiting… getting rly anxious now

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I thought some of them talked ab applying next semester idk

Me too

My daughter is still waiting. Hope to receive her decision soon.

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Still waiting for LSA. App submitted 2/1, checklist completed 2/13. It’s been slightly over a month now…

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Lol our stats are basically identical and I got rejected too, so wild

just got accepted !!!

I know some of you are still waiting for decisions and I’m pulling for all of you - anyone who cares enough about Michigan to hang onto this thread this long deserves a chance. Go Blue!!

I’m curious on thoughts about the application questions “Why Michigan” v. “Why transfer” There is so much overlap - how do you distinguish these two questions? My son was accepted in January. His why Michigan focused on academics. His why transfer talked about the college experience in general and he made what I thought was a very compelling personal/family reason for wanting to be back in-state/closer to home. But absent that I think it is hard to answer that question without throwing your current institution shade. Any thoughts? Just curious

I honestly believe the reason there is so much overlap is because they simply used all of the freshman admittance prompts (such as Why Michigan) and pasted them over the transfer application instead of making a unique transfer application.

With that being said, I used the “Why Transfer” essay to outline my reasoning for choosing my current institution and why I now desire to pursue transferring and then the “Why Michigan” essay to outline the specific reasons why Michigan is the school I want to transfer to. While it is hard to not knock your current institution (why else would you be transferring?), like all things with college applications, much of it is simply a game of rephrasing. In other words, instead of talking about how the school has an objective shortcoming, maybe instead phrase it as though it’s not the right fit for you. Communicate what you wish without being disparaging.

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anybody still waiting for Stamps transfer results?

omg I am, I thought I was the only one.

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I’m still waiting for LSA

Same here. Just getting a bit impatient now. :sob:

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Mine did, did you get your decision?

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Mine came out on the same day that the withdraw button disappeared

Got rejected for LSA just now… rly disappointed honestly
College GPA: 4.0
SAT: 1570
HS GPA: 4.3
2 Letters of Rec

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