UMich Fall 2023 Transfer Thread

Sophomore at UM-Dearborn, Engineering track
3.58 GPA
56 credits completed
Never took SAT or other types of testing
No extracurriculars, but reported one part-time job
Checklist completed on 01/27
Accepted into UMich COE 02/09


Some mistakes in my post,

I did take AP classes in Bio, Stats, and Psych. However, took the tests only for Bio and Psych. 3 and 4 score respectively.


Yeah, I was thinking about that when I was applying a few months ago. I just want to keep up my GPA so that its considered along w/credits. Especially bc I’m thinking about doing a few classes this summer so it bumps up my credits.
Anyway, I’m planning to transfer to the College of Education as a junior and I talked to them already. They also told me to transfer in my sophomore year so I can attend as a junior.

Thx for the feedback!


Yes, you transfer to start your junior year there. Hope I was clear. Some do get accepted after freshman year but it’s much harder to do so. Good luck.

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have most people not heard back yet ? I’m still waiting on mine

Sorry, no clue… I am mirw useful on the Michigan EA and deferral sections… Lol. Good luck

I submitted late November and completed checklist 1/15 and haven’t heard back yet, we’ll get it soon don’t worry

Got rejected

Applied with a 3.8 gpa from a top liberal arts school. Not really surprised. Probably a lot to do with only having 1 semester of college work.

My high school gpa was a 94 out of 100, with a lot of upwards progression. I took 9 aps and got a couple 4s and a 5. Pretty good extracurriculars also.

when did you submit your application

Is there a GroupMe, Facebook, or anything for Fall 2023 transfer students?

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On the deadline

Anyone hear back recently?

got accepted to lsa this morning!
i submitted my application on january 30th.

61 credits completed
4.0 gpa
psychology major
out of state
no letters of rec


anyone hear back today?

Which courses did you take, please?

I looked at the past 2 fall threads. On feb 16, there were 260 and 220 responses approximately respectively. We only have 140 ish.
That could mean less umich applicants for transfer, which might be favorable on acceptance rates.
Obviously I’m speculating, but usually students who want to transfer are likely to go on apps like these so there’s a good chance less applicants.

Anyone hear back from the School of Kinesiology yet?

Got accepted this morning into LSA! I’m a sophomore transfer from a CA Community College. They waitlisted me last year so this feels like a redemption :smiley: