<p>Okay, so I have a couple of questions concerning the Honors Program and Residential College Program at UMich. </p>
<p>Residential College:
I am interested in both programs; however, I realize that the Residential College's main aspect is that you, well, RESIDE there. I love the idea of an intense foreign language and all, but I come from a religious family and there's no way my parents will allow me to live in a co-ed dorm (honestly, even I would feel a bit uncomfortable) so I'd have to live in Betsy Barbour or Helen Newberry. So yeah...Is it possible to just participate in the PROGRAM--as in, take the same classes and what not just not LIVE on East (or next year, West) quad or is that mandatory? </p>
<p>Honors Program:
Same shindig. Want to apply to honors, but housing is the only problem. </p>
<p>Any help or insight is very much appreciated! Even if you don't know the answer yourself, please refer me to someone I could possibly call/email. </p>
<p>Thanks so much in advance!!</p>