UMich Honors Program & Residential College Housing Question

<p>Okay, so I have a couple of questions concerning the Honors Program and Residential College Program at UMich. </p>

<p>Residential College:
I am interested in both programs; however, I realize that the Residential College's main aspect is that you, well, RESIDE there. I love the idea of an intense foreign language and all, but I come from a religious family and there's no way my parents will allow me to live in a co-ed dorm (honestly, even I would feel a bit uncomfortable) so I'd have to live in Betsy Barbour or Helen Newberry. So yeah...Is it possible to just participate in the PROGRAM--as in, take the same classes and what not just not LIVE on East (or next year, West) quad or is that mandatory? </p>

<p>Honors Program:
Same shindig. Want to apply to honors, but housing is the only problem. </p>

<p>Any help or insight is very much appreciated! Even if you don't know the answer yourself, please refer me to someone I could possibly call/email. </p>

<p>Thanks so much in advance!!</p>

<p>I am in the Honors Program right now and you can elect not to live in south quad (Honors Housing) and choose to live in a non co ed dorm. Next year I believe honors is in west quad but it is also co-ed so you woudn’t want to live there.</p>

<p>Thanks for that info!
I found a FAQ page and it states RC students are required to live in the same building. Oh well!</p>

<p>Yes, you have to live in East Quad fresman year for RC, which is co-ed. The program has a bit of a hippy-ish feel to it, and there is a big focus on forming a community and living close. A couple of my friends who were part of the program felt uncomfortable and left it. One positive is that the RAs in the residential program are much more willing to watch out for you and get you out of situations that make you uncomfortable.</p>